SPP to offer reliability coordination in Western Interconnection power grid
The Southwest Power Pool, an electric reliability council operating in the central Southern US roughly from North Dakota to the Texas Panhandle, will begin offering reliability coordination services in the Western Interconnection.
The Western Interconnection is a wide area power grid that runs from western Canada to Baja California in Mexico, and from the Great Plains to the Pacific Ocean.
The SPP said it has interested parties, with 28 electric utilities throughout the West interested in its services. The SPP made previous notifications to the Western Electric Coordinating Council (WECC) and the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC).
“SPP has served as an RC in the east for more than two decades and has coordinated electric reliability one way or another since we formed in 1941,” SPP President and CEO Nick Brown said. “We’ve shown consistently throughout our history an ability to coordinate people…