Tucson Electric Power customers may see new rate for energy-storage systems When Duane Ediger and Carol Rose installed a Tesla Powerwall 2 battery on their Barrio Hollywood home last January, they knew it wouldn’t pencil out financially. “Though there’s a slight financial benefit, it’s definitely not enough to pay for the battery,” he said. “We … Continue reading #Tucson_Electric_Power customers may see new rate for energy storage systems→
NYISO stakeholders clash over exclusion of REC holders from carbon price payments New York — New York Independent System Operator stakeholders are at odds over whether certain power suppliers receiving renewable energy credits should be excluded from obtaining payments that would be generated by the state’s proposed carbon pricing plan. NYISO proposed at a July … Continue reading NYISO stakeholders clash over exclusion of REC holders from carbon price payments→
NE Power Pool seeks to ban press THE NEW ENGLAND POWER POOL, an organization that helps develop policies and procedures governing the region’s wholesale electricity markets, is seeking federal regulatory approval to bar reporters from its meetings. NEPOOL has always had an unwritten policy excluding the press, but it decided to make it a formal … Continue reading NE Power Pool seeks to ban press→
PNM looks to join CAISO Energy Imbalance Market California’s EIM continues to grow as more utilities look to access financial benefits and emissions reductions provided by trading electricity over a larger footprint in the voluntary market. Last month, CAISO announced the EIM had posted its highest quarterly benefits yet, topping a total of $400 million … Continue reading PNM looks to join CAISO Energy Imbalance Market→
Vehicle-to-grid could be ‘capacity on wheels’ for electricity networks “There are already many Gigawatt-hours of batteries on wheels”, which could be used to provide balance and flexibility to electrical grids, if the “ultimate potential” of vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology could be harnessed. That’s according to a panel of experts and stakeholders convened by our sister site … Continue reading Vehicle-to-grid could be ‘capacity on wheels’ for electricity networks→
New England governors urge ISO-NE to focus on affordablility Vermont Business Magazine Connecticut Governor Dannell Malloy, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker, New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu, Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo, and Vermont Governor Phil Scott today issued the following statement related to ISO New England and affordable electricity. ISO-NE is charged with maintaining electric supply … Continue reading #New_England governors urge ISO-NE to focus on affordablility→
PG&E’s landmark energy storage projects snagged by pushback Ratepayer advocates and consumer groups claim the selection process is flawed and not transparent. It may not be smooth sailing for Pacific Gas and Electric’s landmark energy storage projects. Totaling 567 MW, 2,270 MWh, the four projects were hailed as the largest battery storage investment ever proposed … Continue reading PG&E’s landmark energy storage projects snagged by pushback→
Will Utilities Roar Again in the ‘20s? Customer engagement insights from the era when the electric utility industry was considered “high tech” apply now more than ever before In just 16 months, a full century will stand between us and the start of the decade known as “The Roaring Twenties.” There is a youthful enthusiasm … Continue reading Will Utilities Roar Again in the ‘20s?→
Utilities Prepare for Increased Cyberattacks on the Electric Grid More electric utilities and energy companies are turning to cybersecurity vendors for protection against attempted attacks, a growing threat highlighted by the recent disclosure of Russian hacking into their communications networks last year. The U.S. utility sector faces millions of attempted cyber intrusions a day. Duke … Continue reading Utilities Prepare for Increased Cyberattacks on the Electric Grid→
US Wind Industry ‘Full Steam Ahead’ Despite Wind Catcher Cancellation Case in point: new projects on the way from Apple and PacifiCorp. It’s American Wind Week, and the U.S. wind industry has a lot to celebrate. The American Wind Energy Association launched Wind Week last year when wind power became the country’s largest source of … Continue reading US Wind Industry ‘Full Steam Ahead’ Despite #Wind_Catcher Cancellation→
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