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Does your utility have a survival strategy?

Does your utility have a survival strategy? Historically, regulated industries have been slow to embrace disruptive technologies relative to their peers. For decades, their monopoly status removed competitive pressures to innovate and retain their customer base. But my, how times have changed. With non-traditional providers and solutions emerging every day, the traditional utility as we … Continue reading Does your utility have a survival strategy?

#Idaho_Power, #PacifiCorp choose California ISO for new RC services

Idaho Power, PacifiCorp choose California ISO for new RC services The California Independent System Operator (ISO) welcomed today’s announcements by Idaho Power and PacifiCorp to receive Reliability Coordinator (RC) services from the ISO. Their announcements came after Balancing Authority of Northern California (BANC) recently committed to receive ISO RC services. “These commitments by entities to … Continue reading #Idaho_Power, #PacifiCorp choose California ISO for new RC services

#PG&E Identified as Utility That Lost Control of Confidential Information

PG&E Identified as Utility That Lost Control of Confidential Information San Francisco-based PG&E Corp. PCG was identified Friday as the large utility that authorities had fined in May for losing control of a database with confidential information about its systems and leaving it exposed on the internet for 70 days. The breach happened in 2016 … Continue reading #PG&E Identified as Utility That Lost Control of Confidential Information

Energy Department teams up with #Bill_Gates to move mini-nuclear plants to market

Energy Department teams up with Bill Gates to move mini-nuclear plants to market The Energy Department is participating in major push with electric utility Southern and a company founded by Microsoft founder Bill Gates to develop small nuclear power reactors that are less expensive and more efficient than their much larger cousins. “Molten salt reactors … Continue reading Energy Department teams up with #Bill_Gates to move mini-nuclear plants to market

#Pennsylvania industrial energy users say follow #Minnesota on rate design

Pennsylvania industrial energy users say follow Minnesota on rate design As more states undertake rate reform or some form of utility sector overhaul, regulators and industry stakeholders are learning from what has been done in other jurisdictions and service territories. The IECPA recommended the commission “implement a deliberate approach” for utilities to introduce new rate … Continue reading #Pennsylvania industrial energy users say follow #Minnesota on rate design

Blockchain Could Help Bring Renewable Energy to the Power Grid, Experts Tell Congress

Blockchain Could Help Bring Renewable Energy to the Power Grid, Experts Tell Congress Blockchain technology could help the energy sector secure the power grid and overcome some of the biggest barriers to widespread use of renewable resources, industry experts told lawmakers. But before that can happen, the government needs to fund more blockchain research and … Continue reading Blockchain Could Help Bring Renewable Energy to the Power Grid, Experts Tell Congress

Forget the #Permian_Basin: This Oil Basin Is Where the Growth Is Right Now

Forget the Permian Basin: This Oil Basin Is Where the Growth Is Right Now The Permian Basin, which stretches across western Texas and the southeast corner of New Mexico, is the fastest-growing oil-producing region in the world. Output currently stands at around 3.3 million barrels per day (BPD) and has increased an astounding 800,000 BPD … Continue reading Forget the #Permian_Basin: This Oil Basin Is Where the Growth Is Right Now

Lithium-ion battery deployments to increase 800% from 2017 to 2022: GTM

Lithium-ion battery deployments to increase 800% from 2017 to 2022: GTM The deployment of lithium-ion batteries will grow by 55% a year over the next five years, according to a new report from GTM Research. That growth rate translates into an eightfold expansion of li-ion deployments, from 2 GWh in 2017 to 18 GWh in … Continue reading Lithium-ion battery deployments to increase 800% from 2017 to 2022: GTM