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#California ‘s #BTM energy storage moves forward, but is it good for the climate?

California’s BTM energy storage moves forward, but is it good for the climate? The California legislature last week approved SB 700, which extends funding for the Self Generation Incentive Program (SGIP), the state’s chief vehicle for expanding behind-the-meter energy storage. While solar and storage advocates cheered the bill’s passage for the positive impacts it will … Continue reading #California ‘s #BTM energy storage moves forward, but is it good for the climate?


MIT STUDY FINDS NUCLEAR ENERGY TO BE ESSENTIAL IN REDUCING POLLUTION A report by MIT found battling climate change would be more costly without growth in the nuclear energy industry. Struggling from rising costs and competition from cheaper energy sources, nuclear plants would need more supportive government policies, the study found. The Trump administration is … Continue reading #MIT STUDY FINDS NUCLEAR ENERGY TO BE ESSENTIAL IN REDUCING POLLUTION

Utility O&M: models for private sector participation

Utility O&M: models for private sector participation The utility business environment has been evolving over recent years, and utilities have had to look at alternative ways of managing their business. Operations and maintenance (O&M) forms a core business area for power utilities and has started getting a lot of attention due to its strategic impact … Continue reading Utility O&M: models for private sector participation

ISO-NE proposes market bridge to valuing fuel security

ISO-NE proposes market bridge to valuing fuel security ISO-New England filed proposed interim revisions to its capacity market rules with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on Friday, seeking to preserve market operations as it designs new compensation mechanisms for fuel secure resources. The ISO’s proposal would treat fuel secure generators as price takers in the … Continue reading ISO-NE proposes market bridge to valuing fuel security

PJM can delay its 2019 capacity market auction for three months, says FERC

PJM can delay its 2019 capacity market auction for three months, says FERC New York — The US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Thursday granted PJM Interconnection’s request to delay its 2019 capacity market auction by three months in order to allow time to implement rule changes ordered by the commission to address the impact of … Continue reading PJM can delay its 2019 capacity market auction for three months, says FERC

#FES to close all coal – fired & nuclear power plants

FES to close all coal-fired & nuclear power plants FirstEnergy Solutions says it intends to close its last coal-fired power plants in Pennsylvania and Ohio in 2021-2022, although those decisions could be reversed if the Ohio-based company were to get a federal bailout via the Trump administration, Kallanish Energy reports. The bankrupt company is closing … Continue reading #FES to close all coal – fired & nuclear power plants

EPA will open #MATS rule for review despite utility objections

EPA will open MATS rule for review despite utility objections The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will reconsider the justification behind the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS), a major Obama-era air regulation responsible for the closure of scores of coal power plants. The EPA will review the regulation’s emissions standards, as well as the agency’s … Continue reading EPA will open #MATS rule for review despite utility objections