CAISO connects innovative storage in wholesale market The New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organisation (NEDO) and Sumitomo Electric Industries have announced the second stage of a battery energy storage pilot in California. The second stage of the pilot includes partnering with the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) to connect a 2MW/8MWh stationary radox flow … Continue reading CAISO connects innovative storage in wholesale market→
NRG tells ERCOT two mothballed gas-fired units in La Porte will retire NRG Energy, the power producer and retail electric provider, notified the state’s grid manager the Electric Reliability Council of Texas that it is retiring two generating units in La Porte that became too outdated and inefficient to continue to operate. The units at … Continue reading #NRG tells ERCOT two mothballed gas-fired units in #La_Porte will retire→
Utilities look to Netflix audience clustering model for customer engagement As efforts to engage customers grow, utilities are looking to data analytics, online portals and personalized messaging to better understand diverse customer preferences. Efforts to make customer engagement more effective are expanding. That engagement is a crucial response to the customer demand driving the power … Continue reading Utilities look to #Netflix audience clustering model for customer engagement→
Exxon’s Power Play Points to Texas’ Future The oil giant’s big bet on Permian renewables shows how the economics of the electricity market are changing. As stories about the energy transition go, Big Oil going big on solar power in the heart of America’s biggest oil patch is as transitiony as it gets. Besides the … Continue reading #Exxon ’s Power Play Points to Texas’ Future→
US unprepared for ‘catastrophic’ power outage, presidential advisory report finds Securing the nation’s power system will require billions in investment, begging the eternal question: Who pays? The U.S. utility sector has been focused on cybersecurity for several years now, as the industry grasped the full extent of the threat it faces — and how unprepared … Continue reading US unprepared for ‘catastrophic’ power outage, presidential advisory report finds→
Black Hills Corp. Purchases 50 Percent Interest in Busch Ranch I Wind Farm PUEBLO, Colo. – Dec. 11, 2018 – Black Hills Corp. (NYSE: BKH) today announced that its power generation subsidiary, Black Hills Electric Generation, LLC, completed the purchase of a 50 percent ownership interest in the 29-megawatt Busch Ranch I Wind Farm located … Continue reading #Black_Hills_Corp. Purchases 50 Percent Interest in #Busch_Ranch I Wind Farm→
What Next Smart Grid Development? Challenges and Opportunities Most of the world’s electricity system was built when primary energy was relatively inexpensive. Grid reliability was assured by having excess generation capacity in the system with unidirectional electricity flow to consumers from centrally dispatched power plants. Investments in the electric system were made to meet increasing … Continue reading What Next Smart Grid Development? Challenges and Opportunities→
Energy Storage Is The Job Creation Opportunity Of The Future — Now! So often we hear naysayers bemoaning the effects of relinquishing a fossil fuel-based energy economy. “If we stopped producing oil and gas tomorrow, we’d have an economic crisis. We’d have a famine. We’d have a world war.” So it’s refreshing to see carbon-free … Continue reading Energy Storage Is The Job Creation Opportunity Of The Future — Now!→
FERC Rejects Electric Generators’ Request to Adopt Centralized Capacity Market in California In June 2018, CXA La Paloma, LLC (“La Paloma”) filed a complaint at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC or “the Commission”) seeking to require the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) to implement a centralized capacity market to procure the electric generation capacity … Continue reading FERC Rejects Electric Generators’ Request to Adopt Centralized Capacity Market in California→
Enbala to Enable World’s Biggest Residential Solar-Plus-Storage Virtual Power Plant Enbala, the Denver, Colo.-based startup with software that runs virtual power plants across North America, has landed a contract to manage the world’s biggest aggregation of household solar and behind-the-meter batteries with Australian utility AGL. On Monday, Enbala announced it will provide the “cloud-based control … Continue reading #Enbala to Enable World’s Biggest Residential Solar-Plus-Storage Virtual Power Plant→
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