Sharing systems could help building owners get more from microgrids In Chicago, a cluster of museums is exploring the case for combining energy systems, but thorny questions remain. Shared microgrids can help building owners lower costs and boost resilience, but big questions need to be sorted out first on how the systems operate. While still … Continue reading Sharing systems could help building owners get more from microgrid s→
Debate Continues: Can New Technology Save Nuclear Power? Nuclear power provides carbon-free electricity for a warming world. But is its use still practical, can it still be economic, is its promise still achievable, and is nuclear a key to combating climate change? So far, nuclear power has fallen short of those goals. Looking at advanced … Continue reading Debate Continues: Can New Technology Save Nuclear Power?→
New Year’s Resolutions for the Microgrid Industry from 4 Leading Companies What needs to be done in 2019 to spur more microgrid growth? We asked four microgrid industry leaders – Ameresco, S&C Electric, Schneider Electric and Siemens. Here are their New Year’s resolutions, lightly edited for brevity and clarity. Ameresco Will Agate, Ameresco’s vice president … Continue reading New Year’s Resolutions for the Microgrid Industry from 4 Leading Companies→
Blockchain Technology Will Transform the Power Industry What began in the world of finance has moved into the power sector. Blockchain, a nascent technology most often associated with cryptocurrency, is a new frontier in the energy space, changing the way power is traded, with new business models for peer-to-peer and wholesale transactions, and a growing … Continue reading Blockchain Technology Will Transform the #Power_Industry→
Getting to 100% zero emissions in California: Beyond CAISO’s eight-solution menu The state’s IOUs are on track for 50% renewables by 2020, but the goal is 100% clean energy by 2045 and there are still unanswered questions on how to reach it. The path to 100% emissions-free energy by 2045 in California is not completely … Continue reading Getting to 100% #zero_emissions in #California: Beyond CAISO ‘s eight-solution menu→
PG&E sued over Camp Fire as insurance claims hit billions Three major insurance companies are suing PG&E over the billions of dollars in claims they expect to face from the Camp Fire. The lawsuits, by Allstate Insurance Co., State Farm and USAA, represent another potentially staggering blow to PG&E, which has already acknowledged that problems … Continue reading PG&E sued over Camp Fire as insurance claims hit billions→
6 utility trends to look out for in 2019 The following is a viewpoint from Joseph Daniel, a senior energy analyst at the Union of Concerned Scientists. The electric utility industry is abuzz with terms like blockchain and hosting capacity analysis. While the industry is certainly likely to hear more about these topics in the … Continue reading 6 utility trends to look out for in 2019→
Tenaska power plant powers up in Westmoreland Four days before Christmas, a new natural gas-fueled power plant began stirring. And more. Tenaska Westmoreland Generating Station became operational Dec. 21. Construction of the facility – in South Huntingdon Township, off Interstate 70 near Smithton – took a little more than two years. The 940-megawatt plant, in … Continue reading #Tenaska power plant powers up in #Westmoreland→
American Electric Power Companies Seek Wind Power American Electric Power (AEP) companies Southwestern Electric Power Co. (SWEPCO) and Public Service Co. of Oklahoma (PSO) have each announced a request for proposals (RFPs) for wind power resources. SWEPCO is seeking up to 1.2 GW of additional wind energy resources to be in commercial operation by Dec. … Continue reading #American_Electric_Power Companies Seek Wind Power→
Texas’s wind and sunlight complement each other exceptionally well. That’s huge for its grid. But is the state ready to reimagine its power grid? The astounding growth in wind and solar power coupled with their plummeting prices means that we are now radically rethinking how we produce, transmit, and sell power. Customers want 100 percent … Continue reading #Texas ’s wind and sunlight complement each other exceptionally well. That’s huge for its grid.→
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