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Ensuring fuel security for the #electricity system: #New_England and the role of LNG

Ensuring fuel security for the electricity system: New England and the role of LNG Promoting a competitive market structure shields consumers from costly risks and provides continued opportunities to quickly accommodate to a low carbon future, the authors write. Following the presidential election of 2016, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) sought to establish a … Continue reading Ensuring fuel security for the #electricity system: #New_England and the role of LNG

#Nevada utility’s approved 100MW plan is first big step towards 2030 storage goals

Nevada utility’s approved 100MW plan is first big step towards 2030 storage goals While a recent study said 10GW of energy storage by 2030 would offer overall benefit to Nevada, NV Energy will move forward with an Integrated Resource Plan: 1,000MW of renewables including 100MW of storage – by 2021. NV Energy, a Nevada utility … Continue reading #Nevada utility’s approved 100MW plan is first big step towards 2030 storage goals

FERC gives nod to ISO-NE’s installed capacity requirement calculation for FCA 13

FERC gives nod to ISO-NE’s installed capacity requirement calculation for FCA 13 Washington — ISO New England will need to procure a net value of at least 33,750 MW during a forward capacity auction slated for February to meet the reliability requirements of the region for 2022-23, according to a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission order … Continue reading FERC gives nod to ISO-NE’s installed capacity requirement calculation for FCA 13

#AEP seeks 1.2 GW of wind proposals, nearly six months after canceling $4.5B #Wind_Catcher

AEP seeks 1.2 GW of wind proposals, nearly six months after canceling $4.5B Wind Catcher Southwestern Electric Power Company (SWEPCO), a subsidiary of American Electric Power (AEP), on Tuesday launched a request for proposals (RFP) for up to 1.2 GW of wind generation. The utility wants to see the projects in operation by December 2021, … Continue reading #AEP seeks 1.2 GW of wind proposals, nearly six months after canceling $4.5B #Wind_Catcher

Entergy completes nuclear power plant sale as it exits market

Entergy completes nuclear power plant sale as it exits market Entergy says it completed the sale of its shuttered Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant to NorthStar Group Services, as the company takes another step toward exiting from the merchant power utility business. ETR calls the sale “a first-of-its-kind in the nuclear power industry – a … Continue reading Entergy completes nuclear power plant sale as it exits market

Remembering #Duke_Energy ‘s Jim #Rogers: A ‘Cathedral’ Thinker

Remembering Duke Energy’s Jim Rogers: A ‘Cathedral’ Thinker The unexpected death last month of James E. (Jim) Rogers at the age of 71 left the energy sector bereft of one of the boldest leaders in its history. Rogers, a CEO in the electric utility and natural gas industry for 25 years, amassed a jaw-dropping track … Continue reading Remembering #Duke_Energy ‘s Jim #Rogers: A ‘Cathedral’ Thinker