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There’s plentiful gas on our doorstep. Let’s use it

There’s plentiful gas on our doorstep. Let’s use it As an independent group not beholden to any energy source, ISO-New England President-CEO Gordon van Welie, in his State of the Grid conference call Wednesday, simply laid out the challenges of the organization that runs the power-generating system to meet the demand for electricity, given the … Continue reading There’s plentiful gas on our doorstep. Let’s use it

Frustration of solar -power advocates fuels effort to reverse KCC ruling

Frustration of solar-power advocates fuels effort to reverse KCC ruling Diane Budden can observe wind direction by looking out a window of her St. Marys home to see which way smoke drifted from the coal-fired Jeffrey Energy Center power plant. On Monday, her attention was on a different source of power during a Kansas Senate … Continue reading Frustration of solar -power advocates fuels effort to reverse KCC ruling

#Avangrid puts its foot to the floor on Vineyard Wind

Avangrid puts its foot to the floor on Vineyard Wind Avangrid Renewables, one of two companies behind Vineyard Wind, the first commercial-scale offshore wind project in the US, is exploring options to complete the project ahead of schedule, but efforts to secure renewable technology resource status in a recent capacity auction were unsuccessful Announcing details … Continue reading #Avangrid puts its foot to the floor on Vineyard Wind

Enabling storage integration through market-driven procurements

Enabling storage integration through market-driven procurements Rising renewables growth shows mandates and incentives for them work. But customer demand for renewables has not slowed, creating a need for more energy storage to stabilize the grid. That need for storage is estimated to be significantly bigger than current build-out plans, driven by existing policies, are likely … Continue reading Enabling storage integration through market-driven procurements

Nuclear Power and #Pennsylvania ‘s Competition Act

Nuclear Power and Pennsylvania’s Competition Act Although it’s less well-known than the Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards Act of 2004 (AEPS), Pennsylvania’s 1996 Electricity Generation Customer Choice and Competition Act may be the state’s most important energy law. Legislators are currently focused on amending the AEPS to establish subsidies for nuclear power. But understanding the Competition … Continue reading Nuclear Power and #Pennsylvania ‘s Competition Act

Winning in a more distributed energy world: 3 steps to utility success

Winning in a more distributed energy world: 3 steps to utility success A billion-dollar retail opportunity awaits utilities that turn reluctant customers into partners. In the U.S. power system’s transformation, customers’ traditional dependence on utilities is increasingly becoming a utility dependence on customers. This reversal is driven by diminishing electricity sales caused in part by … Continue reading Winning in a more distributed energy world: 3 steps to utility success

Will #SC allow more rooftop solar? Politicians, lobbyists huddle over compromise

Will SC allow more rooftop solar? Politicians, lobbyists huddle over compromise COLUMBIA S.C. legislators are nearing a deal to protect the solar industry and guarantee favorable rates to homeowners with rooftop solar panels over the next two years. The deal follows a crushing defeat by the solar industry in the Legislature less than a year … Continue reading Will #SC allow more rooftop solar? Politicians, lobbyists huddle over compromise

Adding day-ahead market services to Western EIM an incremental step toward ISO, panel says

Adding day-ahead market services to Western EIM an incremental step toward ISO, panel says WASHINGTON – Regional grid integration in the Western Interconnection will be an “evolutionary change, not a revolutionary change,” Commissioner Kristine Raper of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission told attendees of a panel at the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners’ (NARUC) … Continue reading Adding day-ahead market services to Western EIM an incremental step toward ISO, panel says

Two new 100-MW utility- solar units expected in the #Permian_Basin

Two new 100-MW utility-solar units expected in the Permian Basin Houston — Two 100-MW utility-scale solar photovoltaic generation projects are either under construction or will soon be in two west Texas counties situated within the Permian Basin. One of the projects is to be owned by Duke Energy Renewables, the other by Germany’s E.ON. The … Continue reading Two new 100-MW utility- solar units expected in the #Permian_Basin