In 2014, more than 10% of the electricity used in the grid covering most of Texas came from wind generation, according to the grid’s operator, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT). Wind’s share of the ERCOT generation mix grew from 6.2% in 2009 to 10.6% in 2014 as total electricity generation increased over the … Continue reading Wind Generates More than 10% of Texas Electricity in 2014→
Energy storage paves way for electricity independence Renewables have the power to transform not just the world’s energy markets, but global economics and geopolitics. But wind and solar alone cannot deliver a world of clean and free fuel. Both are, by their very nature, variable, so to realise their true potential other technologies need to … Continue reading Energy storage paves way for electricity independence→
Frosh urges PSC to reject Exelon-Pepco merger Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh became the latest voice to oppose the proposed merger between Baltimore Gas and Electric parent Exelon Corp. and Pepco Holdings. Chicago-based Exelon is seeking approval from the Maryland Public Service Commission and other regulatory agencies to buy Pepco Holdings for $6.9 billion. Various … Continue reading Frosh urges PSC to reject Exelon-Pepco merger→
What is Prosumer Value to Utilities? The Age of the Prosumer presents challenges for utilities accustomed to thinking of their customers in terms of kilowatthours consumed. The Smart Grid is responsible for these challenges, borne out of technology, policy, and capital innovations. These innovations are triggering many disruptions to the utility business model, and will … Continue reading What is Prosumer Value to Utilities?→
PUC Chair Blasts EPA’s Clean Power Plan at Texas Tech Law School Event Donna Nelson, chairman of the Public Utility Commission of Texas, doesn’t mince words about her views concerning the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed Clean Power Plan. On March 2, she gave a speech titled “Power, the EPA and Texas” at the Texas … Continue reading PUC Chair Blasts EPA’s Clean Power Plan at Texas Tech Law School Event→
Power traders try to revive manipulation suit Washington, 5 March (Argus) — Two power trading firms will appeal a judge’s decision to throw out their lawsuit alleging that GDF Suez North America withheld its Texas generation to manipulate power prices and benefit other financial positions. A federal judge in Texas dismissed the traders’ suit last … Continue reading Power traders try to revive manipulation suit→
Nuclear Power Firms Feel Squeeze Future nuclear power plant development in the U.S. looks dismal as cost overruns and multiyear delays plague four new reactors under construction in Georgia and South Carolina. Southern Co. , the Atlanta-based power utility that dominates much of the Southeastern U.S., recently told Georgia regulators that costs have ballooned by … Continue reading Nuclear Power Firms Feel Squeeze→
PJM analysis of EPA Clean Power Plan puts price on carbon A new analysis of the economic impacts of U.S. EPA’s Clean Power Plan by the nation’s largest grid operator places a price on carbon dioxide emissions and concludes that under nearly 40 compliance scenarios, a regional solution is less costly than a state-by-state approach. … Continue reading PJM analysis of EPA Clean Power Plan puts price on carbon→
Anbaric transmission project at end of interconnection process with PJM, NYISO The proposed 500 MW high-voltage direct current (HVDC) Poseidon Project is at the end of the interconnection process with PJM Interconnection and the New York ISO (NYISO), Edward Krapels, CEO and founder of Anbaric Transmission, told TransmissionHub on March 4. In New York, that … Continue reading Anbaric transmission project at end of interconnection process with PJM, NYISO→
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