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#NJ Goes to Court to Fight Federal Order on Renewable Energy Sources

NJ Goes to Court to Fight Federal Order on Renewable Energy Sources State attorney general, Board of Public Utilities say energy regulator wants to ‘tip the scales’ away from clean fuels New Jersey on Monday appealed a federal order that would raise the price of renewable fuels used for power generation, saying the measure would … Continue reading #NJ Goes to Court to Fight Federal Order on Renewable Energy Sources

#Ormat Announces Commercial Operation of #Rabbit_Hill Battery Energy Storage System

Ormat Announces Commercial Operation of Rabbit Hill Battery Energy Storage System storage Ormat Technologies has begun the commercial operation of the Rabbit Hill Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) facility, providing required ancillary services and energy optimization to the wholesale markets managed by the Electricity Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT). The facility is located in the … Continue reading #Ormat Announces Commercial Operation of #Rabbit_Hill Battery Energy Storage System

US Department of Defense – funded study finds #vanadium flow batteries worthy of further scrutiny

US Department of Defense-funded study finds vanadium flow batteries worthy of further scrutiny Vanadium redox flow batteries are almost as reliable as diesel generators in providing resiliency, but won’t be competitive against lithium-ion unless cost reductions can be achieved with the scaling up of manufacturing and deployment. A study funded by the US Department of … Continue reading US Department of Defense – funded study finds #vanadium flow batteries worthy of further scrutiny


TVA IS LARGEST SELF-REGULATED ELECTRIC UTILITY Mississippi is unique to the rest of the U.S. in that electricity is provided by two of the largest investor-owned utilities Mississippi Power and Entergy Mississippi) along with cooperatives and municipal utilities. The creation of cooperatives dates back to the Rural Electrification Administration (REA) in 1935 in order to … Continue reading #TVA IS LARGEST SELF-REGULATED ELECTRIC UTILITY

US power load changes as stay-home orders expire, businesses begin to reopen

US power load changes as stay-home orders expire, businesses begin to reopen New York — US power demand is showing some signs of recovery across the country as nearly half the states allowed stay-home orders to expire in recent days. However, many have a phased-in approach in place that still limits activity, while some local … Continue reading US power load changes as stay-home orders expire, businesses begin to reopen

Political power and financial might: energy lobbyists in the US

Political power and financial might: energy lobbyists in the US US energy firm Exelon has been swept by a raft of controversies, from state investigations to private lawsuits, based around its alleged breaking of lobbying laws and failure to disclose its political connections. We consider the court case, and what this could mean for lobbying … Continue reading Political power and financial might: energy lobbyists in the US