What a second COVID-19 spike means for electricity The worst of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States seemed to have passed in mid-May as governors began the phased reopening of their states from coast to coast. Restaurants, retailers, offices and manufacturers unlocked their doors. As they did, electricity demand — a vital sign for … Continue reading What a second COVID-19 spike means for electricity→
No major issues found during nuclear plant inspections The Callaway Energy Center will receive the baseline level of oversight this year following a year of safe and efficient operation, according to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. he Callaway Energy Center will receive the baseline level of oversight this year following a year of safe and efficient … Continue reading No major issues found during nuclear plant inspections→
NREL study backs hydrogen for long-duration storage Pumped hydro and compressed air energy storage will soon be cost-effective for day-long storage, while hydrogen for long-duration storage will be cost-effective by 2050 or sooner, the national lab’s study projected. A National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) study concludes that by 2050, hydrogen storage lasting for two weeks … Continue reading #NREL study backs hydrogen for long-duration storage→
My Turn: More net metering would be a good thing In his June 22 Monitor op-ed (“Too much net metering not a good thing”), Rep. Michael Vose mixed some facts with some fiction. He noted correctly that over the past decade the wholesale price of electric energy in New England has declined markedly (from 6 … Continue reading My Turn: More net metering would be a good thing→
How To Retire Early: Making Accelerated Coal Phaseout Feasible & Just For over a century, growing presence of coal smokestacks worldwide signified economic development and progress. Coal supplied our homes with electricity and our factories with power. At the same time, this workhorse of the industrial era caused serious harm to our health and the … Continue reading How To Retire Early: Making Accelerated Coal Phaseout Feasible & Just→
Natural Gas As A Bridge Fuel To The Future? Not Anymore There was a time not so long ago when EV advocates assumed plug-in hybrids would be the bridge technology between conventional cars and battery electrics. The thinking was that battery prices would remain so high that fully electric cars would take a long time … Continue reading Natural Gas As A Bridge Fuel To The Future? Not Anymore→
Long-Term Energy Storage Solution Has Been Here All Along The most efficient energy storage technology may be as close as the nearest hill, according to former Energy Secretary Steven Chu, and almost as old. “It turns out the most efficient energy storage is you take that electricity and you pump water up a hill,” Chu … Continue reading Long-Term Energy Storage Solution Has Been Here All Along→
Global demise of coal-fired generation driven by idle and unprofitable plants China grapples with overcapacity by slowing coal plant construction while more U.S. plants have closed during the first three years of the Trump administration than in Obama’s two terms. The demise of coal is now a global phenomenon that — rather like Covid-19 — … Continue reading Global demise of coal -fired generation driven by idle and unprofitable plants→
FERC Publishes 2020 Summer Energy Market and Reliability Assessment On May 21, 2020, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s Offices of Energy Policy and Innovation and Electric Reliability jointly published and released their 2020 Summer Energy Market and Reliability Assessment. The report provides an overview of key market events and data for the nation’s ISOs/RTOs as … Continue reading FERC Publishes 2020 #Summer Energy Market and Reliability Assessment→
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