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#Mexico ’s fight against renewable energy: the story so far

Mexico’s fight against renewable energy: the story so far When Andres Manuel López Obrador was elected president of Mexico in July 2018, he promised to return the country’s energy companies to their former glory. Since then, his policies have turned away renewable investment and prompted an internal legal struggle. In his first speech following election, … Continue reading #Mexico ’s fight against renewable energy: the story so far

Construction begins on energy storage system relying on gravity

Construction begins on energy storage system relying on gravity Gravity has been the center of wonderment for physicists, mathematicians and thinkers of all kinds for centuries. In the early 1600s, astronomer Galileo dropped balls from the Tower of Pisa and declared that gravitational acceleration is the same for all objects. Decades later, Isaac Newton expanded … Continue reading Construction begins on energy storage system relying on gravity

Batteries begin storing wind and solar energy for the Texas grid

Batteries begin storing wind and solar energy for the Texas grid Conventional wisdom maintains that wind and solar power depend on affordable energy storage, and until battery prices drop, the United States will rely on natural gas and coal-fired power plants. A few years ago, most analysts thought it would take decades, but the clean … Continue reading Batteries begin storing wind and solar energy for the Texas grid

DOE Issues Emergency Order to Alleviate #California Power Crisis

DOE Issues Emergency Order to Alleviate California Power Crisis The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) on Sept. 6 took the rare but drastic action of issuing an emergency order under the Federal Power Act (FPA) to authorize the maximum operation of three natural gas–fired facilities on the California Independent System Operator’s (CAISO’s) grid whose full … Continue reading DOE Issues Emergency Order to Alleviate #California Power Crisis

#Mexico blocks private renewable energy expansion

Mexico blocks private renewable energy expansion Earlier this year, Mexico’s National Center of Energy Control (CENACE) issued a controversial directive limiting the amount of renewable energy that could be generated in the country. The order suspended licences for renewable energy plants set to begin operational testing after May 3. Two weeks later, the Energy Secretariat … Continue reading #Mexico blocks private renewable energy expansion

CAISO Lifts Stage 2 Emergency Alert; No Outages Ordered

CAISO Lifts Stage 2 Emergency Alert; No Outages Ordered California’s Independent System Operator lifted its Stage 2 emergency declaration a little over two hours after it was declared on Sunday night. CAISO called for the Stage 2 emergency on Sunday evening at 6:23 p.m., warning residents about the possibility of rotating blackouts and advising them … Continue reading CAISO Lifts Stage 2 Emergency Alert; No Outages Ordered

Natural gas – fired electricity generation grows 9 percent in first half of 2020

Natural gas-fired electricity generation grows 9 percent in first half of 2020 Natural gas-fired electricity generation increased 9 percent in the first half of 2020 compared to the previous year, reported the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) Hourly Electric Grid Monitor. It was the fastest-growing source of electric power generation in the lower 48 states. … Continue reading Natural gas – fired electricity generation grows 9 percent in first half of 2020

#Mexico ’s renewables market: competitive, but uncertain for now

Mexico’s renewables market: competitive, but uncertain for now Mexico’s once fast-growing wind and solar power market is coping with uncertainty due to regulatory changes announced since late April, but insiders remain committed to the country based on its long-term potential. “Right now, we have a competitive market,” said Daniel García, senior business manager at Atlas … Continue reading #Mexico ’s renewables market: competitive, but uncertain for now

US DOE awards EPRI $5.1M for advanced nuclear technology

US DOE awards EPRI $5.1M for advanced nuclear technology The US Department of Energy (DOE) is awarding $5.1 million to the Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. (EPRI) to develop modular-in-chamber electron beam welding capability for a future domestic advanced reactor demonstration project. This project has a total value of approximately $6.5 million of which DOE … Continue reading US DOE awards EPRI $5.1M for advanced nuclear technology

#California avoided rolling blackouts for two decades. What went wrong on the grid?

California avoided rolling blackouts for two decades. What went wrong on the grid? For nearly two decades, California skated past one heat wave after another without having to resort to deliberate rolling blackouts — including one horrible stretch that killed 140 people in 2006. The state’s electricity winning streak ran out Friday night. For more … Continue reading #California avoided rolling blackouts for two decades. What went wrong on the grid?