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#Luminant to retire another natural gas -fired plant in ERCOT

Luminant to retire another natural gas-fired plant in ERCOT Houston — Luminant will decommission and retire the 69-MW, natural gas-fired Wharton County Generation plant, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas has said. It is the second fossil-fuel plant to be announced for retirement in Texas in as many days. ERCOT’s Notice of Suspension of Operations, … Continue reading #Luminant to retire another natural gas -fired plant in ERCOT

The #CPUC Needs to Address Emergency Reliability for Summer 2021, but It May Not Have Time

The CPUC Needs to Address Emergency Reliability for Summer 2021, but It May Not Have Time Can a new rulemaking initiated in November 2020 address summer 2021 shortages? The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) seems to think so. We at DWT are not so sure. At its November 19, 2020, Business Meeting, the CPUC signed … Continue reading The #CPUC Needs to Address Emergency Reliability for Summer 2021, but It May Not Have Time

#Supercell Technology From #Cadenza Is Centerpiece Of #New_York Energy Storage Project

Supercell Technology From Cadenza Is Centerpiece Of New York Energy Storage Project A new energy storage project will offer New York State rapid response in discharging power to the electric grid. Cadenza Innovation’s lithium-ion supercell technology is centerpiece to a fully integrated, metal-enclosed, and rack-mounted 250 kilowatt-hour (kWh), 50 kilowatt (kW) battery storage unit located … Continue reading #Supercell Technology From #Cadenza Is Centerpiece Of #New_York Energy Storage Project

FERC Accepts PJM Compliance Filings Overhauling Reserve Market and E&AS Offset Calculation

FERC Accepts PJM Compliance Filings Overhauling Reserve Market and E&AS Offset Calculation On November 12, 2020, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“Commission”) approved changes regarding PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.’s (“PJM”) reserve market, including how the Regional Transmission Organization (“RTO”) calculates its energy and ancillary services offset (“E&AS Offset”). The order approves a PJM compliance filing establishing … Continue reading FERC Accepts PJM Compliance Filings Overhauling Reserve Market and E&AS Offset Calculation

CAISO approves hybrid storage policies as #California preps to add 1.5 GW by 2022

CAISO approves hybrid storage policies as California preps to add 1.5 GW by 2022 CAISO expects that storage paired with wind and solar will be a key component of the strategy to replace retiring natural gas and coal-fired generation across the West. For instance, the grid operator anticipates that the retirement of a fleet of … Continue reading CAISO approves hybrid storage policies as #California preps to add 1.5 GW by 2022

Public meeting about ownership change for Palisades nuclear plant comes this week

Public meeting about ownership change for Palisades nuclear plant comes this week This week, federal regulators will hold a public meeting to discuss plans to transfer the operating license for the Palisades nuclear power plant. Entergy Corp. agreed to sell the aging nuclear plant in southwest Michigan to Holtec Intl. in 2018. Patrick O’Brien is … Continue reading Public meeting about ownership change for Palisades nuclear plant comes this week

#Salt_River_Project board votes to increase its share of #Palo_Verde nuclear plant with $70M purchase

Salt River Project board votes to increase its share of Palo Verde nuclear plant with $70M purchase Salt River Project will pay about $70 million to increase its stake in the Palo Verde Generating Station nuclear plant west of Phoenix, the utility said Monday. The plant is owned by seven utilities from Texas to California, … Continue reading #Salt_River_Project board votes to increase its share of #Palo_Verde nuclear plant with $70M purchase

What’s in store for #Mexico ’s electric power regulation in 2021?

What’s in store for Mexico’s electric power regulation in 2021? Next year will be a key one for private investment in Mexico’s power sector and it could prove crucial to determine whether the current administration will have enough political backing to pursue legal changes to the sector. This year has been a complicated one, as … Continue reading What’s in store for #Mexico ’s electric power regulation in 2021?

FERC Upholds ISO-NE CASPR Program on Rehearing

FERC Upholds ISO-NE CASPR Program on Rehearing On November 19, 2020, FERC upheld its March 2018 order addressing ISO New England, Inc.’s (“ISO-NE”) Competitive Auctions with Sponsored Policy Resources (“CASPR”) proposal to integrate certain state-supported resources into its capacity market (see March 20, 2018 edition of the WER). FERC’s November 19 order upheld its prior … Continue reading FERC Upholds ISO-NE CASPR Program on Rehearing

Community members in #Illinois fight for nuclear energy plant

Community members in Illinois fight for nuclear energy plant ROCKFORD, ILL. Community leaders, residents and elected officials in Illinois are working to keep a nuclear energy company from closing its plant. In August, Exelon announced that it would close its Byron nuclear power plant in September 2021 and the Dresden Generating Station in Morris two … Continue reading Community members in #Illinois fight for nuclear energy plant