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Utility regulators need to be a lot more proactive on climate resilience. Here’s how they can start.

Utility regulators need to be a lot more proactive on climate resilience. Here’s how they can start. As the country grapples with accelerating consequences from extreme weather events, new regulatory frameworks are needed to guide utility investments for added resilience. The chain of events during the first half of 2021 — from the Texas freeze … Continue reading Utility regulators need to be a lot more proactive on climate resilience. Here’s how they can start.

Southwest Power Pool report chronicles lessons learned from 2021 cold snap Rhett Morgan Aug 17, 2021 Updated Aug 18, 2021 0

Southwest Power Pool report chronicles lessons learned from 2021 cold snap Rhett Morgan Aug 17, 2021 Updated Aug 18, 2021 0 Many factors linked to the impacts of the state’s February’s deep freeze to the regional power grid were beyond the electricity manager’s control. That is according to more than a 100-page report presented Tuesday … Continue reading Southwest Power Pool report chronicles lessons learned from 2021 cold snap Rhett Morgan Aug 17, 2021 Updated Aug 18, 2021 0

Scientists Discover How Oxygen Loss Saps a Lithium-Ion Battery’s Voltage

Scientists Discover How Oxygen Loss Saps a Lithium-Ion Battery’s Voltage Lithium-ion batteries work like a rocking chair, moving lithium ions back and forth between two electrodes that temporarily store charge. Ideally, those ions are the only things moving in and out of the billions of nanoparticles that make up each electrode. But researchers have known … Continue reading Scientists Discover How Oxygen Loss Saps a Lithium-Ion Battery’s Voltage

Tesla is closing its first Supercharger station over security concerns

Tesla is closing its first Supercharger station over security concerns Tesla is closing its Supercharger station at its design studio in Los Angeles, its very first Supercharger, reportedly over security concerns. Almost a decade ago, Tesla opened the first Supercharger station, and it happened to be at its own design studio near the Hawthorne airport … Continue reading Tesla is closing its first Supercharger station over security concerns

FERC eyes transmission reform to ease US connection process

FERC eyes transmission reform to ease US connection process The US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is eyeing potential reforms to transmission and interconnection rules for energy projects, a move which could help ease the connection process for solar and storage developments. FERC issued an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANOPR) which seeks comment on … Continue reading FERC eyes transmission reform to ease US connection process

#California ISO has 80GW of solar and 148GW of storage in its queue, smashing last year’s figures

California ISO has 80GW of solar and 148GW of storage in its queue, smashing last year’s figures The California Independent System Operator (CAISO) has almost 80GW of solar and 148GW of storage in its interconnection queue, according to a 7 July presentation. The operator has 97.6GW of renewables in its queue, with solar PV accounting … Continue reading #California ISO has 80GW of solar and 148GW of storage in its queue, smashing last year’s figures

ERCOT Releases Plan To Strengthen Texas’ Electric Grid

ERCOT Releases Plan To Strengthen Texas’ Electric Grid The Electric Reliability Council of Texas, or ERCOT, has released what it is calling a “Roadmap to Improving Grid Reliability.” The outline comes amid angst over whether Gov. Greg Abbott and lawmakers did enough to improve the statewide electric grid during the regular legislative session. The 60-point … Continue reading ERCOT Releases Plan To Strengthen Texas’ Electric Grid

Tesla launches its own virtual power plant with Powerwalls to help California’s grid

Tesla launches its own virtual power plant with Powerwalls to help California’s grid Tesla is launching its own virtual power plant with the Powerwall in California in order to help the grid, which is expected to be under pressure this year. A virtual power plant consists of distributed energy storage systems, like Tesla Powerwalls, used … Continue reading Tesla launches its own virtual power plant with Powerwalls to help California’s grid