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Is Tesla Becoming A Threat To The World’s Biggest Utilities?

Is Tesla Becoming A Threat To The World’s Biggest Utilities? Tesla is at the forefront of this trend. It sells not only solar panels, but also battery storage systems for residential (Powerwall), commercial (Powerpack) and utility-scale (Megapack) applications. Another piece of the puzzle is Autobidder, a software product that provides “a real-time trading and control … Continue reading Is Tesla Becoming A Threat To The World’s Biggest Utilities?

#California ISO Survives the Summer with No Blackouts; Battery Energy Storage Beginning to Play Larger Role

California ISO Survives the Summer with No Blackouts; Battery Energy Storage Beginning to Play Larger Role The California ISO held its final Summer 2021 Readiness Update call on September 24. As reported on the call, the California ISO managed to get through summer 2021 without any load-shedding events, in contrast to last summer, when load-shedding … Continue reading #California ISO Survives the Summer with No Blackouts; Battery Energy Storage Beginning to Play Larger Role

#JCPL Proposal Supports #New_Jersey Clean Energy Plan by Delivering Wind Power to Customers with Minimal Community Impacts

JCP&L Proposal Supports New Jersey Clean Energy Plan by Delivering Wind Power to Customers with Minimal Community Impacts HOLMDEL, N.J., Sept. 28, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Jersey Central Power and Light (JCP&L), a subsidiary of FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE), has submitted a proposal to connect clean energy generated by New Jersey’s offshore wind farms to the … Continue reading #JCPL Proposal Supports #New_Jersey Clean Energy Plan by Delivering Wind Power to Customers with Minimal Community Impacts

Tesla Megapack Battery Purchase to Increase California’s Grid Reliability for Industry

Tesla Megapack Battery Purchase to Increase California’s Grid Reliability for Industry Leading renewable energy company Arevon announced Tuesday that it has secured a two-gigawatt supply of Tesla Megapacks as part of its effort to increase battery storage capacity throughout California. The purchase will advance Arevon and energy company Tenaska’s joint “Falcon portfolio” undertaking to build … Continue reading Tesla Megapack Battery Purchase to Increase California’s Grid Reliability for Industry

Backup batteries | #Texas company storing energy for power outages

Backup batteries | Texas company storing energy for power outages KAUFMAN COUNTY, Texas — While mother nature can make cheap and clean electricity, she doesn’t come with a switch we can control. The sun doesn’t always shine and the wind doesn’t always blow. But the issue of intermittency has one promising solution. “Battery storage is … Continue reading Backup batteries | #Texas company storing energy for power outages

FERC, NERC Outline Proposed New Reliability Standards Following the February Winter Storm

FERC, NERC Outline Proposed New Reliability Standards Following the February Winter Storm Last Thursday, the FERC/NERC joint inquiry presented their preliminary report and recommendations at FERC’s monthly open meeting. The report identified two main causes of the widespread outages: freezing or icing of electric generation components, and natural gas fuel supply issues—in particular, the effects … Continue reading FERC, NERC Outline Proposed New Reliability Standards Following the February Winter Storm

PJM ‘s ‘focused’ #MOPR takes effect, boosting renewables and nuclear as FERC commissioners deadlock

PJM’s ‘focused’ MOPR takes effect, boosting renewables and nuclear as FERC commissioners deadlock FERC’s inability to reach a decision on PJM’s proposed changes to its MOPR — a rule designed to prevent a market participant from offering artificially low bids to suppress capacity prices — is the latest twist in a controversial regulatory process. In … Continue reading PJM ‘s ‘focused’ #MOPR takes effect, boosting renewables and nuclear as FERC commissioners deadlock

Exelon Reveals #Illinois Investment Plans, New Company Details

Exelon Reveals Illinois Investment Plans, New Company Details Exelon Generation has announced plans for more than USD300 million-worth of capital projects at its Byron and Dresden plants, and hiring 650 employees, following the state of Illinois’s passage of clean energy legislation. Separately, the company has today announced the senior leadership of the two businesses that … Continue reading Exelon Reveals #Illinois Investment Plans, New Company Details