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Liquid metal battery could lower cost of storing renewable energy

Liquid metal battery could lower cost of storing renewable energy As dreamy as it might be to combine renewable energy sources with storage batteries, there’s a problem: those batteries are expensive. It might take you years to recoup the costs. You’ll be glad to hear, then, that Stanford scientists have a way to make those … Continue reading Liquid metal battery could lower cost of storing renewable energy

Using customer batteries as a power source saved Vt. utility $500K

Using customer batteries as a power source saved Vt. utility $500K An innovative program in Vermont that uses batteries in customers’ homes as a “virtual power plant” paid off to the tune of almost half a million dollars during the recent heat wave, according to the utility running the project. “During that peak usage, peak … Continue reading Using customer batteries as a power source saved Vt. utility $500K

Western RTO could save #California $1.5B per year by 2030, report says

Western RTO could save California $1.5B per year by 2030, report says California is in the midst of a debate over whether to integrate its grid into a broader network or maintain tighter control over its electricity policy and supply. California’s renewables industry could shed jobs under a broader regionalization of the electric grid, but … Continue reading Western RTO could save #California $1.5B per year by 2030, report says

Zombie Coal Plants Show Why Trump’s Emergency Plan Is No Cure-All

Zombie Coal Plants Show Why Trump’s Emergency Plan Is No Cure-All Two old Virginia power plants already operate under federal emergency authority. They don’t meet pollution standards, and one failed and has been offline for weeks. Yorktown, where Lord Cornwallis accepted General Washington’s victory to end the American Revolution, would seem like an appropriate spot … Continue reading Zombie Coal Plants Show Why Trump’s Emergency Plan Is No Cure-All

FERC Finds ISO-NE’s Tariff May Not Adequately Address Fuel Security Concerns

FERC Finds ISO-NE’s Tariff May Not Adequately Address Fuel Security Concerns On July 2, 2018, FERC denied ISO New England Inc.’s (“ISO-NE”) request for waiver of its Transmission, Markets, and Services Tariff (“Tariff”) and instituted a Federal Power Act (“FPA”) section 206 proceeding because, according to FERC, the Tariff may be unjust and unreasonable. Specifically, … Continue reading FERC Finds ISO-NE’s Tariff May Not Adequately Address Fuel Security Concerns

#PUC hearing raises questions about power line project in York, Franklin counties

PUC hearing raises questions about power line project in York, Franklin counties Regulators in Harrisburg this week raised questions about the need for a proposed new power line project in York and Franklin counties. During a second prehearing conference before the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission on Monday, July 9, a PPL Electric representative said the … Continue reading #PUC hearing raises questions about power line project in York, Franklin counties


ENERGY OFFICIAL THREATENS NEW JERSEY BREXIT FROM PJM REGIONAL POWER GRID Board of Public Utilities president unhappy with ‘lip service’ and decisions that lead to NJ customers paying more for electricity Is New Jersey pulling out of the PJM Interconnection, the regional operator of the nation’s largest power grid? “We’re looking at a number of … Continue reading ENERGY OFFICIAL THREATENS #NEW_JERSEY #BREXIT FROM PJM REGIONAL POWER GRID

#Nuance_Energy to supply #LADWP with up to 6 MW of ground mounted solar

Nuance Energy to supply LADWP with up to 6 MW of ground mounted solar Nuance Energy, manufacturer of the patent-pending Osprey PowerPlatform and developer of distributed generation solar projects, announced it was awarded a contract with the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power for ground mount solar arrays to be deployed at LADWP facilities. … Continue reading #Nuance_Energy to supply #LADWP with up to 6 MW of ground mounted solar