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FERC official’s comments spotlight pipeline cyber risk

FERC official’s comments spotlight pipeline cyber risk Comments by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s chief of staff, Anthony Pugliese, to an industry group appear to be more evidence of concern over potential attacks on U.S. gas pipelines that could threaten the nation’s electricity supply. Pugliese singled out pipelines as a priority target for state-based cyberattacks. … Continue reading FERC official’s comments spotlight pipeline cyber risk

Grid-Scale Liquid Air Energy Storage Plant Is Launched

Grid-Scale Liquid Air Energy Storage Plant Is Launched The world’s first grid-scale demonstration of a liquid air energy storage (LAES) plant was officially launched in June. UK-based long-duration energy storage firm Highview Power developed the 5-MW/15-MWh project in partnership with recycling and renewable energy company Viridor with more than£8 million in funding from the UK … Continue reading Grid-Scale Liquid Air Energy Storage Plant Is Launched

ERCOT supply tightness, strong PJM capacity market boost #NRG earnings: CEO

ERCOT supply tightness, strong PJM capacity market boost NRG earnings: CEO Houston — Tight supply conditions in the Electric Reliability Council of Texas and disciplined capacity market bidding in the PJM Interconnection contributed to significant NRG Energy year-over-year earnings growth in the second quarter of 2018, CEO Mauricio Gutierrez said Thursday. In NRG Energy’s second-quarter … Continue reading ERCOT supply tightness, strong PJM capacity market boost #NRG earnings: CEO

Generators say Mystic order mirrors their capacity price concerns

Generators say Mystic order mirrors their capacity price concerns Washington — New England generators are telling regulators that ISO-New England’s current plan to keep 1,700 MW of gas-fired units at Exelon’s Mystic plant in Massachusetts running could unfairly reduce prices in the capacity auction and spur more retirements. NEPGA’s request echoes a complaint they filed … Continue reading Generators say Mystic order mirrors their capacity price concerns

States say FERC overstepped its bounds in PJM capacity market order

States say FERC overstepped its bounds in PJM capacity market order A broad group of state governments, market participants and environmental advocates on Monday asked the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to revisit a June order reshaping the PJM Interconnection capacity market, writing that the ruling overstepped the commission’s jurisdiction and would hamper state clean energy … Continue reading States say FERC overstepped its bounds in PJM capacity market order

California ISO enters must-run contracts, approves measures to shore up reliability

California ISO enters must-run contracts, approves measures to shore up reliability The California ISO’s board of directors approved several measures last week aimed at maintaining system reliability, including entering into two reliability must-run contracts with NRG California South to save the company’s Ellwood and Ormond Beach Power plants. NRG announced its intent to close the … Continue reading California ISO enters must-run contracts, approves measures to shore up reliability

#New_York generators urge FERC to block certain capacity sales

New York generators urge FERC to block certain capacity sales Washington — New York generators say resources in the PJM Interconnection should not be allowed to sell installed capacity into the New York Independent System Operator across transmission lines owned by companies that got out of their obligation to pay for the contentious Bergen-Linden Corridor … Continue reading #New_York generators urge FERC to block certain capacity sales

Coal piles up at power plant as cheap natural gas wrecks Eastern #Kentucky ’s economy

Coal piles up at power plant as cheap natural gas wrecks Eastern Kentucky’s economy A utility that serves Eastern Kentucky and burns coal to produce electricity has sold $17.6 million worth of coal it didn’t need, offering yet another example of how the relatively low cost of natural gas has undermined the region’s economy. The … Continue reading Coal piles up at power plant as cheap natural gas wrecks Eastern #Kentucky ’s economy

Second-life EV battery market to grow to $4.2 billion by 2025

Second-life EV battery market to grow to $4.2 billion by 2025 Circular Energy Storage, a London-based research and consulting group, reports a strong business case for reconstituted electric vehicle batteries for energy storage applications. As the EV and static storage system markets grow rapidly, synergies could be a useful tool for continued cost optimization. According … Continue reading Second-life EV battery market to grow to $4.2 billion by 2025