ARM files for interconnection of area wind farms Aksamit Resource Management (ARM) announced Wednesday, Dec. 2, that it has filed for interconnection at its 300-megawatt Milligan 1 wind farm in Saline and Fillmore counties and the 76-megawatt Monument Road Project in Thayer County. ARM is a Nebraska-based energy company with a portfolio of renewable energy … Continue reading #ARM files for interconnection of area wind farms→
Equinix buys green energy in Oklahoma and Texas Equinix, the global interconnection and data center company, has signed power purchase agreements (PPAs)to buy enough wind energy in Oklahoma and Texas to cover all Equinix data centers throughout North America. Earlier this year Equinix announced its commitment to 100 percent clean and renewable energy for its … Continue reading #Equinix buys green energy in #Oklahoma and #Texas→
Solar causing 3x the power plant cycling of wind Littleton, Colorado – Renewable Impacts announces that its research of historical CAISO power plant cycling causality indicates that solar generation is causing substantially more power plant cycling causality than wind. While a 1 percentage point increase in wind energy penetration was found to increase wind cycling … Continue reading Solar causing 3x the power plant cycling of wind→
Wind helps usher in free night-time electricity for utility customers Thanks in part to West Texas’ proliferating wind farms, some residents are enjoying free electricity. As the wind industry has blossomed over the last few years, electrical utilities have been ramping up marketing efforts for energy-use plans that allow customers to use electricity free of … Continue reading Wind helps usher in free night-time electricity for utility customers→
Coal’s Cruel Fortune: Its Biggest Market Is Also the Windiest Here’s how bad U.S. coal has it these days: The region that has for years burned the most coal also happens to be the windiest. The Great Plains states that run south from Canada to Texas, tucked between the Rocky Mountains and the Mississippi River, … Continue reading Coal ‘s Cruel Fortune: Its Biggest Market Is Also the Windiest→
US Sets Wind Output Records In October Amid Country-Wide Wind Rush The United States has set a number of wind output records throughout the month of October, thanks to windy conditions and the ongoing “wind rush.” According to the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), the national trade association for the wind industry, a number of … Continue reading #US Sets Wind Output Records In October Amid Country-Wide Wind Rush→
Illegal wind turbine leaves green energy entrepreneur spinning in jail A Minnesota green energy entrepreneur has been in jail since Friday all because of a wind turbine that once stood on his property. Jay Nygard, founder of Go Green Energy, built the 29-foot-high turbine, which has been likened to a giant eggbeater, on his Orono, … Continue reading Illegal wind turbine leaves green energy entrepreneur spinning in jail→
Wind And Solar Energy Technologies Eat Into Fossil Fuel Power’s Business Plan Renewable energy has long been seen as the energy of tomorrow – widely praised for its low carbon qualities but seen as too expensive compared to traditional forms of energy such as coal and gas. But new research says that the cost of … Continue reading Wind And Solar Energy Technologies Eat Into #Fossil_Fuel Power’s Business Plan→
Nixon’s energy plan calls for wind incentives, higher renewables requirement Missouri should adopt a building code, require power companies to offer efficiency programs and boost the amount of renewable energy utilities have to offer their customers. Those are among the strongest recommendations contained in Missouri’s new Comprehensive State Energy Plan, released Wednesday during the Midwest … Continue reading Nixon’s energy plan calls for wind incentives, higher renewables requirement→
The world wastes more than twice as much energy as it uses every year Sometimes looking at the big picture is the best way to understand what’s going on. That’s definitely the case for figuring out where the world’s energy comes from and goes. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory makes these energy flow maps showing where … Continue reading The world wastes more than twice as much energy as it uses every year→
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