Puerto Rico’s Electric Utility Hacked in Weekend Attack PREPA, the power utility company of Puerto Rico, saw its computer infrastructure suffer an attack on Sunday, but no customer records were compromised. That’s the bad and good news according to statements from the company. With no customer records compromised and no impact on the electrical grid, … Continue reading #Puerto_Rico ‘s Electric Utility #Hacked in Weekend Attack→
Time is not on their side: Utilities ill-prepared for EV demand, SEPA finds It’s always dangerous to make technology predictions, but right now this feels like a sure thing: Electric vehicles are going to become popular, mainstream, common. One day, even, the standard. How and when these zero-emission vehicles are charged will be critical. With … Continue reading Time is not on their side: Utilities ill-prepared for EV demand, SEPA finds→
Eon and RWE just killed the utility as we know it The complex asset swap and share issue they announced over the weekend—including the divvying up of RWE-controlled Innogy SE’s assets—is the last death knell for that all-encompassing model A decade ago, Eon SE and RWE AG were two of Germany’s most valuable companies and … Continue reading #Eon and #RWE just killed the utility as we know it→
Do new rooftop solar price projections mean ‘if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em’ for utilities? Rooftop solar’s 2030 price could be $0.05/kWh and drive 30 GW/year of new capacity, DOE finds Utility-scale wind and solar generation is now putting coal and nuclear plants out of business and is price-competitive with natural gas plants — … Continue reading Do new rooftop solar price projections mean ‘if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em’ for utilities?→
US utilities set to run out of steam on financial changes US utilities, sustained for years in a warm bath of favourable financial conditions, are facing a cold shower. An expected rise in interest rates and the shake-up of the tax system passed into law at the end of last year are threatening to squeeze … Continue reading US utilities set to run out of steam on financial changes→
IOT forcing utilities into brave new future The rapid growth in the Internet of Things (IoT) is forcing traditional utilities and industry providers to adapt, or be outmanoeuvred by strong new entrants. Power Engineering International spoke to PwC’s Director, Digital Transformation, Richard Hepworth about how the technology is impacting the power sector. 2018 is, according … Continue reading IOT forcing utilities into brave new future→
Three Quarters Of British People Want To Re-Nationalize Utilities According to a poll taken late last year, 77 percent of respondents in the UK wanted to re-nationalize all of Britain’s energy utilities. In addition, 83 percent of those surveyed wanted to renationalize the water utilities as well. To a degree this seems like a repudiation … Continue reading Three Quarters Of #British People Want To Re-Nationalize Utilities→
New federal tax law is a boon for electric utilities For the past few years, Ohio’s electric utilities have asked state lawmakers and the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) to bail out their old coal and nuclear plants. The storyline is, the power plants are losing money in the competitive wholesale market, so the … Continue reading New federal tax law is a boon for electric utilities→
Electricity utility sector: Break the mould In addition to decarbonising the electricity generation, the industry also needs to rethink how electricity is efficiently transported and distributed. The electric utility, traditionally, is one of the most conservative and defensive sectors, with mostly government-controlled entities. After the opening of the sector, there is substantially private sector investment … Continue reading Electricity utility sector: Break the mould→
In Germany, neighborhood solar starts to eat away at utility revenue Five years ago, an electric-utility think tank issued a dire warning to its members: Your century-old business model is ending. The continually falling costs of renewable energy generation, especially solar panels, would begin to erode utilities’ business from its most profitable customers, the study … Continue reading In Germany, neighborhood solar starts to eat away at utility revenue→
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