PJM hit winter demand record; says performed better The PJM Interconnection experienced its second winter in a row with new winter peak records, but the grid performed better in the winter of 2014-15 than the previous winter, according to a report by the independent system operator released Wednesday. PJM’s new record peak demand of 143,086 … Continue reading PJM hit winter demand record; says performed better→
The Navy Yard sets off toward its own ‘smart-grid’ power network Behind the scenes at the Navy Yard, with its new corporate headquarters and restored 70-year-old buildings, another transformation is taking place that is largely invisible to the public, but that could have far-reaching implications. Philadelphia Industrial Development Corp., the agency redeveloping the Navy Yard, … Continue reading The Navy Yard sets off toward its own ‘smart-grid’ power network→
NRG sees tight power supplies in ERCOT, higher prices in PJM NRG Energy is “skeptical” about the Electric Reliability Council of Texas’s forecast of healthy reserve margins over the next few years, and instead believes the power-supply situation in ERCOT will be considerable tighter, a top NRG executive said Friday. “The medium-term power supply situation … Continue reading NRG sees tight power supplies in ERCOT, higher prices in PJM→
Case for renewables ignores reality The April 30 op-ed column by Trish Demeter of the Ohio Environmental Council, “ Cutting emissions would improve health, power grid,” confirms that some want the public to ignore physical science and fundamental economics. They conflate carbon dioxide with pollution, wholesale electric prices with retail electric bills and earned prosperity … Continue reading Case for renewable s ignores reality→
Waiver not a factor in PJM power prices over $1,000/MWh: report The PJM Interconnection had thousands of times and places where nodal prices exceeded $1,000/MWh this winter, but these prices were not caused by a waiver of a $1,000/MWh cap on incremental electricity offers in PJM, a new report shows. On Monday, Monitoring Analytics, PJM’s … Continue reading Waiver not a factor in PJM power prices over $1,000/MWh: report→
Oyster Creek: After 2019, what then? For people who had lived in the shadow of the Oyster Creek nuclear power plant in Lacey for decades, the news in 2009 that it was to close 10 years earlier than allowed under its license extension was warmly welcomed. Finally, the health and safety threats posed by the … Continue reading #Oyster_Creek: After 2019, what then?→
‘We have to have an answer’ on Ill. nuclear plants by summer’s end, Exelon says An Exelon Corp. executive told Illinois legislators yesterday that the fate of three unprofitable nuclear plants in the state will be decided later this summer and that action on a bill to help them survive must be passed before the … Continue reading ‘We have to have an answer’ on Ill. nuclear plants by summer’s end, #Exelon says→