MISO monitor says lack of authority hurt operator’s performance during January cold snap

MISO monitor says lack of authority hurt operator’s performance during January cold snap The lights stayed on in southern MISO, but not because generators stepped in or customers stepped up: MISO South began importing energy from other regions. Platts reports a delayed response to demand response calls limited the resource’s effectiveness, and 9.5 GW of … Continue reading MISO monitor says lack of authority hurt operator’s performance during January cold snap

#Malware found in #Entergy ‘s corporate network raises MISO alert

Malware found in Entergy’s corporate network raises MISO alert The malware has been eradicated and MISO has dropped its threat level back to 0, or Green, but the event is a reminder of threats the utility industry faces and demonstrates how seriously they are taken. Entergy said there is no evidence customer data was compromised, … Continue reading #Malware found in #Entergy ‘s corporate network raises MISO alert

Future of #Davis_Besse nuclear power plant still hangs in balance

Future of Davis-Besse nuclear power plant still hangs in balance OTTAWA COUNTY, OH (WTOL) – The future of the Davis-Besse nuclear power plant still hangs in the balance. One local commissioner recently spoke to the State Senate on the importance of the plant to Ottawa County. Ottawa County Commissioner Mark Stahl gave testimony before the … Continue reading Future of #Davis_Besse nuclear power plant still hangs in balance

#Xcel Attracts ‘Unprecedented’ Low Prices for Solar and Wind Paired With Storage

Xcel Attracts ‘Unprecedented’ Low Prices for Solar and Wind Paired With Storage An Xcel Energy solicitation set a new solar-plus-storage record after attracting a median price of $36 per megawatt-hour. The rate is 20 percent lower than the cheapest PV-plus-battery power-purchase agreement seen to date, which came in a NextEra Energy Resources contract for Tucson … Continue reading #Xcel Attracts ‘Unprecedented’ Low Prices for Solar and Wind Paired With Storage

#Louisiana regulators to investigate MISO #energy_warning from last week

Louisiana regulators to investigate MISO energy warning from last week A bitter cold snap in Louisiana called for emergency measures among farmers looking to save delicate crops as temperatures fell into the teens. But despite the winter temperatures, a warning from the regional grid operator has state regulators asking for additional information. PSC chief Skrmetta … Continue reading #Louisiana regulators to investigate MISO #energy_warning from last week

FERC Conditionally Accepts Revisions to the PJM – MISO #JOA to Enhance Coordination of Pseudo-Tied Resources

FERC Conditionally Accepts Revisions to the PJM-MISO JOA to Enhance Coordination of Pseudo-Tied Resources On December 29, 2017, FERC conditionally accepted revisions to the Joint Operating Agreement (“JOA”) between PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. (“PJM”) and Midcontinent Independent Operator System, Inc. (“MISO”) that are intended to improve the coordination of resources that are pseudo-tied between the two … Continue reading FERC Conditionally Accepts Revisions to the PJM – MISO #JOA to Enhance Coordination of Pseudo-Tied Resources