FERC gives nod to ISO-NE’s installed capacity requirement calculation for FCA 13

FERC gives nod to ISO-NE’s installed capacity requirement calculation for FCA 13 Washington — ISO New England will need to procure a net value of at least 33,750 MW during a forward capacity auction slated for February to meet the reliability requirements of the region for 2022-23, according to a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission order … Continue reading FERC gives nod to ISO-NE’s installed capacity requirement calculation for FCA 13

Entergy completes nuclear power plant sale as it exits market

Entergy completes nuclear power plant sale as it exits market Entergy says it completed the sale of its shuttered Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant to NorthStar Group Services, as the company takes another step toward exiting from the merchant power utility business. ETR calls the sale “a first-of-its-kind in the nuclear power industry – a … Continue reading Entergy completes nuclear power plant sale as it exits market

New England generators seek redo of FERC capacity order

New England generators seek redo of FERC capacity order Washington — Echoing retroactive ratemaking concerns raised by the chairman of the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, generators are asking FERC to reconsider an order that could impact the price generators would get paid to delay the retirement from the ISO New England capacity market. The … Continue reading New England generators seek redo of FERC capacity order

A Divided FERC Approves ISO-NE’s Proposal for Regional Fuel Security

A Divided FERC Approves ISO-NE’s Proposal for Regional Fuel Security On December 3, 2018, FERC accepted ISO New England Inc.’s (“ISO-NE”) proposed temporary revisions to its Transmission, Markets and Services Tariff (“Tariff”) designed to address fuel security by a 2-1 vote. Among other things, the order enables ISO-NE to enter into cost-of service agreements with … Continue reading A Divided FERC Approves ISO-NE’s Proposal for Regional Fuel Security

Record-Breaking #Massachusetts Offshore Wind Auction Reaps $405 Million in Winning Bids

Record-Breaking Massachusetts Offshore Wind Auction Reaps $405 Million in Winning Bids A record-breaking auction buoyed the U.S. offshore wind industry last Friday when a “bidding bonanza” for three lease areas offshore Massachusetts yielded $405 million in winning bids. After 32 rounds of bidding spread across two days, provisional winners were announced for lease areas covering … Continue reading Record-Breaking #Massachusetts Offshore Wind Auction Reaps $405 Million in Winning Bids

Largest energy storage system in Mass. launched as solar plus storage trend continues

Largest energy storage system in Mass. launched as solar plus storage trend continues New York — One of first states to enact an energy storage target, Massachusetts, received its largest utility-scale energy storage system Tuesday when ENGIE and Holyoke Gas & Electric launched a 3 MW/6 MWh system connected to a solar farm near Boston. … Continue reading Largest energy storage system in Mass. launched as solar plus storage trend continues

Outage at Exelon ‘s #Mystic_plant drove tight ISO-NE Labor Day conditions

Outage at Exelon’s Mystic plant drove tight ISO-NE Labor Day conditions The outage at the Mystic plant, located in Boston, highlights the issues at stake in contentious debates over fuel security in New England and grid resilience at FERC. On Sept. 3, ISO-NE implemented emergency operating procedures, purchasing power from neighboring regions and calling for … Continue reading Outage at Exelon ‘s #Mystic_plant drove tight ISO-NE Labor Day conditions

Unexpected outages, intense heat behind ISO-NE Labor Day price spike

Unexpected outages, intense heat behind ISO-NE Labor Day price spike ISO-NE’s Monday conditions show how quickly errors in load forecasting and unplanned outages can translate into price spikes in the region’s real-time market. The ISO planned for 22,800 MW of demand at 4:30 p.m. on Monday, but real demand topped 23,100 MW, according to the … Continue reading Unexpected outages, intense heat behind ISO-NE Labor Day price spike