Solar and energy storage in New England: It’s complicated While the global transition of energy systems away from fossil fuels and towards renewable energy, electrification and distributed energy solutions is being increasingly accepted as inevitable, that does not mean that it is either easy or simple. There are few regions in the United States where … Continue reading Solar and energy storage in New England: It’s complicated→
Connecticut solar industry wants a clawback Mike Trahan, executive director of SolarConnecticut, said lawmakers improperly diverted $175 million from clean energy and solar ventures to the General Fund. The funds come from a surcharge that electric and natural gas customers pay each month. “Consumers were promised the surcharge they pay would be returned in the … Continue reading Connecticut solar industry wants a clawback→
Green Mountain Power Eyes Panton For State’s Second Commercial Energy Storage Battery Green Mountain Power wants to build Vermont’s second commercial renewable energy storage battery near its solar array in Panton. The $3 million Tesla battery will store about 1 megawatt of power which will come off of the solar array nearby. Green Mountain Power … Continue reading Green Mountain Power Eyes Panton For State’s Second Commercial Energy Storage Battery→
Eversource to sell New Hampshire power assets for $258m Eversource has agreed to sell its power generating assets with a combined capacity of around 1.2GW in New Hampshire (NH) to two buyers for $258m. As part of the transactions, the New Hampshire electric utility will be divesting five fossil assets and nine hydro assets. The … Continue reading #Eversource to sell #New_Hampshire power assets for $258m→
Massachusetts energy storage, net metering, and capacity market inquiry Massachusetts utility regulators have opened an inquiry to investigate the eligibility of energy storage systems paired with net metering facilities to net meter and the qualification and bidding of certain net metering facilities in the Forward Capacity Market administered by ISO New England Inc. The existing … Continue reading Massachusetts energy storage, net metering, and capacity market inquiry→
Looking beyond pipelines to address New England’s electricity needs Our dramatic seasonal temperature fluctuations here in New England create a unique energy challenge. Most days of the year (i.e. spring, summer, and fall), we have enough pipeline capacity, or space, to meet electricity and heating demand. However, approximately 40 days out of the year natural … Continue reading Looking beyond pipelines to address New England’s electricity needs→
With no plan for replacing Millstone, what are CT’s options? For the third time in less than a year-and-a-half, the Connecticut legislature has come close, but still hasn’t approved a plan to boost the finances of the Millstone Nuclear Power Station. Millstone’s owner Dominion is arguing it needs help because cheap power produced from natural … Continue reading With no plan for replacing #Millstone, what are #CT ’s options?→
Could Success Spoil ISO-NE? On July 1, the Independent System Operator-New England (ISO-NE), headquartered in Holyoke, Massachusetts (Figure 1), marked 20 years as a wholesale, competitive market covering Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and most of Maine (Figure 2). When the ISO began operations, competitive wholesale markets were a bold experiment for the … Continue reading Could Success Spoil ISO-NE?→
ISO-NE draft report: Market revenues not sufficient for new resource development The grid operator’s report examines six resource-expansion scenarios for their potential effects on resource adequacy, operating and capital costs for new resources, and options for meeting environmental policy goals. While renewables are expected to grow, and coal, oil and nuclear energy production all decline, … Continue reading ISO-NE draft report: Market revenues not sufficient for new resource development→
New England ISO targets 2018 for full DR integration into wholesale power market FERC finalized Order 745 in 2011, and in the ensuing years, the rule survived a series of challenges before finally being upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court. The lengthy court battle only ended just last year, and now wholesale market operators are … Continue reading New England ISO targets 2018 for full DR integration into wholesale power market→
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