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Hive: Planning To Turn The Hum Of Thousands Of Smart Meters Into A Supercomputer Platform

Hive: Planning To Turn The Hum Of Thousands Of Smart Meters Into A Supercomputer Platform I recently spoke with representatives at Hive Computing, Inc. – a fledgling start-up with a revolutionary idea that meshes smart meters and computing, and that may take the shared economy to a new level. Hive plans to connect smart meters … Continue reading Hive: Planning To Turn The Hum Of Thousands Of Smart Meters Into A Supercomputer Platform

Stuxnet-style attack on US smart grid could cost government $1 trillion

Stuxnet-style attack on US smart grid could cost government $1 trillion The Lloyds ‘Business Blackout’ report was co-authored by the insurer and the University of Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies, whilst also seeking the advice of the Cabinet Office, the Department of Homeland Security and security firms including IOActive and Context, among many others. The … Continue reading Stuxnet-style attack on US smart grid could cost government $1 trillion

Distributed technique for power scheduling advances smart grid concept

Distributed technique for power scheduling advances smart grid concept Researchers from North Carolina State University have developed a new technique for “scheduling” energy in electric grids that moves away from centralized management by tapping into the distributed computing power of energy devices. The approach advances the smart grid concept by coordinating the energy being produced … Continue reading Distributed technique for power scheduling advances smart grid concept

CEOs grapple with an elephant in the room — the future of #electricity

CEOs grapple with an elephant in the room — the future of electricity When Tesla CEO Elon Musk entered a New Orleans ballroom full of utility CEOs earlier this month, he did so as an odd evangelist for expanding the power grid. The Silicon Valley electric car entrepreneur sought to reassure America’s powerful investor-owned utilities … Continue reading CEOs grapple with an elephant in the room — the future of #electricity

Report: Microgrid s are ‘central pillars of today’s local energy revolution’

Report: Microgrids are ‘central pillars of today’s local energy revolution’ has issued a free white paper aimed at educating community leaders about microgrids and how they can be developed. While the paper is fairly broad, sketching out general concepts and defining terms, it notes that microgrids are “a key feature of the new clean … Continue reading Report: Microgrid s are ‘central pillars of today’s local energy revolution’

Bonneville Power Uses Analytics to Manage Demand

Bonneville Power Uses Analytics to Manage Demand Among the challenges faced by electric utilities, especially during the summer cooling season, is managing peak demand while figuring out how to integrate intermittent power sources into the grid. Increasingly, big data analytics tools are being applied to the emerging smart grid as a way to gauge demand … Continue reading Bonneville Power Uses Analytics to Manage Demand