Renewable Energy Outproduces Nuclear In The U.S. The EIA released the latest edition of their Electric Power Monthly on May 25th, with data for March 2017. March data includes some milestones which are significant in that these circumstances have not existed for a very long time, if ever. • The contribution from solar reached just … Continue reading Renewable Energy Outproduces Nuclear In The U.S.→
Can California Conquer the Next Phase of Renewables Integration? Between its 50 percent state renewable portfolio standard (RPS), aggressive greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets, and energy efficiency mandate, California has some of the strictest environmental policies on the books in North America. And these policies are progressively getting more stringent with a potential move … Continue reading Can #California Conquer the Next Phase of Renewables Integration?→
Proposed 500 MW-Plus Gas-Fired Power Plant in Wisconsin to Support Renewable Investments Minnesota Power and the Dairyland Power Cooperative this week said they plan to co-develop a 525-550 MW combined-cycle natural gas-fired power plant in Superior, WI, to support major wind and solar investments in their service territories. The entities plan to invest $350 million … Continue reading Proposed 500 MW-Plus Gas-Fired Power Plant in #Wisconsin to Support Renewable Investments→
China leading the way in solar energy expansion as renewables surge The development of renewable energy is setting new records, with solar power now becoming cheaper than energy from new coal or nuclear plants. China and other players in Asia are making serious inroads into the market. The addition of new renewable power sources set … Continue reading #China leading the way in solar energy expansion as renewables surge→
What Alaska can teach the world about renewable energy I flew into Unalakleet, Alaska, on a late fall day. With about 700 people, Unalakleet is large by rural Alaska standards and serves as a regional hub. The village is located on a sandy spit of land where a clear river meets the turbid water of … Continue reading What #Alaska can teach the world about renewable energy→
New York will sink $1.5B into renewable energy projects to spur clean energy jobs Cuomo last week signed an executive order committing New York to uphold Paris accord standards, echoing the defiant tone of dozens of states and cities. Large business interests also opposed the White House’s decision to exit the agreement, which was signed … Continue reading New York will sink $1.5B into renewable energy projects to spur clean energy jobs→
Energy Storage, Less Widespread Renewables Provide Four Percent of U.S. Capacity The U.S. Energy Information Administration has estimated energy storage and renewable fuels other than hydro, wind and solar together provide four percent of electric capacity in the United States. As of the end of last year, 195 utility-scale geothermal units were in operation, totaling … Continue reading Energy Storage, Less Widespread Renewables Provide Four Percent of U.S. Capacity→
Why Do Federal Subsidies Make Renewable Energy So Costly? On a total dollar basis, wind has received the greatest amount of federal subsidies. Solar is second. Wind and solar together get more than all other energy sources combined. However, based on production (subsidies per kWh of electricity produced), solar energy, has gotten over ten times … Continue reading Why Do Federal Subsidies Make Renewable Energy So Costly?→
IRENA: Global Renewable Energy Jobs Grew to 9.8 million in 2016 The renewable energy sector employed 9.8 million people in 2016, up 1.1% percent from 2015, according to the International Renewable Energy Agency’s (IRENA’s) “Renewable Energy and Jobs Annual Review 2017”, released May 24. “Renewable energy employment worldwide has continued to grow since IRENA’s first … Continue reading IRENA: Global Renewable Energy Jobs Grew to 9.8 million in 2016→
PJM Auction Signals Trouble for Nuclear, Coal, and Even Renewables Two nuclear plants owned by Exelon Corp. in Illinois and Pennsylvania failed to clear PJM Interconnection’s latest annual capacity auction, putting one of those financially crippled units at risk of early retirement. Meanwhile, procurements for solar, wind, and demand response fell dramatically compared to last … Continue reading PJM Auction Signals Trouble for Nuclear, Coal, and Even Renewables→
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