FEMA to Perform ‘Full-Scale Exercise’ at Nuclear Power Plant Next week’s training will analyze response to a radiological release at the Seabrook Station; NH, Mass. emergency officials participating. SEABROOK, NH – The U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced today that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will conduct a “full-scale” training exercise at the NextEra … Continue reading #FEMA to Perform ‘Full-Scale Exercise’ at Nuclear Power Plant→
Duke finishes refueling Brunswick Nuclear Plant reactor The process took 27 days, beating the old mark by 12 hours SOUTHPORT — Duke Energy has finished refueling one of the two reactors at its Brunswick Nuclear Plant — and in record time. Unit One’s return to service shortly before midnight on March 24 marked completion of … Continue reading #Duke finishes refueling #Brunswick Nuclear Plant reactor→
Nuclear Power Plant in Washington Unexpectedly Shut Down Washington state’s only nuclear power plant has been shut down after operators received an indication that a system used to cool equipment wasn’t working. Officials said there was no release of radiation and no danger to the public. The Columbia Generating Station near Richland was shut down … Continue reading Nuclear Power Plant in Washington Unexpectedly Shut Down→
ISIS Attackers May Have Targeted Nuclear Power Station But plot was aborted after surveillance equipment discovered in February, local media reports A Belgian nuclear power plant may have been the target of an aborted plot by the ISIS cell that carried out this week’s terrorist attacks in Brussels, according to Belgian media. If confirmed, the … Continue reading ISIS Attackers May Have Targeted Nuclear Power Station→
Is Nuclear Power A Renewable Or A Sustainable Energy Source? Nuclear power is presently a sustainable energy source, but could become completely renewable if the source of uranium changed from mined ore to seawater. Since U extracted is continuously replenished through geologic processes, nuclear would become as endless as solar. But do renewable and sustainable … Continue reading Is Nuclear Power A Renewable Or A Sustainable Energy Source?→
Can New York force FitzPatrick to stay open? If the owner of the James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant refuses to keep the facility open, can the state force it to? That’s the question after FitzPatrick owner Entergy has rejected several offers to help keep the financially stressed plant from closing in January. The company … Continue reading Can New York force #FitzPatrick to stay open?→
PNM tries to sneak more nuclear power into rate base Public Service Company of New Mexico’s wholesale customers have been leaving PNM to take advantage of the lower rates they can obtain elsewhere while at the same time increasing shares of their power coming from clean, renewable sources of energy, such as wind and solar. … Continue reading #PNM tries to sneak more nuclear power into rate base→
Unit 1 at Susquehanna nuclear power plant begins scheduled refueling outage Operators at Talen Energy’s Susquehanna nuclear power plant disconnected the Unit 1 reactor from the electrical grid late Friday, March 11 into early Saturday, March 12 to begin a scheduled refueling and maintenance outage. While the reactor is shut down, Susquehanna’s nuclear professionals will … Continue reading Unit 1 at #Susquehanna nuclear power plant begins scheduled refueling outage→
ISO-NE: Emissions rose after Vermont Yankee nuclear facility closed Nuclear plants are struggling in some areas, pressured by low natural gas prices and cheap power. But as some states consider how to handle the issue, New England’s grid operator offers an early glimpse in what could happen when nuclear generation goes offline. “Power plant emissions … Continue reading ISO-NE: Emissions rose after #Vermont_Yankee nuclear facility closed→
Entergy’s Nuclear Position Entergy, based in New Orleans, with $12 billion in annual revenues is pivoting to a new business future in its second century of business. The Energy Times recently sat down for an extended interview with Andrew “Drew” Marsh, the utility’s executive vice president and chief financial officer. This is the second of … Continue reading #Entergy ‘s Nuclear Position→
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