Exelon Corporation: Local Businesses Booming as Braidwood Generating Station Refueling Outage Gets Underway Braceville, Ill. – Operators at Exelon Generation’s Braidwood Generating Station removed Unit 2 from service early this morning to commence the nuclear plant’s spring refueling and maintenance outage. However, the outage’s positive impact to the local economy began more than a week … Continue reading Exelon Corporation: Local Businesses Booming as #Braidwood_Generating_Station Refueling Outage Gets Underway→
China Deploys Floating Nuclear Power Plant to South China Sea In April 2016, reports began coming in that China has plans to build floating nuclear power plants in the South China Sea. A floating nuclear power plant consists of one or more nuclear reactors, located on a platform at sea. China apparently plans to “speed … Continue reading #China Deploys Floating Nuclear Power Plant to South China Sea→
DOE studying new fast reactor FORT HALL — A three-year research and development process is underway regarding a potential new test reactor at Idaho National Laboratory’s desert site. The study to find the cost and capabilities of a Versatile Reactor-based Fast Neutron Source began in March, Rita Baranwal said during a Leadership in Nuclear Energy … Continue reading DOE studying new fast reactor→
Paying nuclear losers for ‘clean’ power upends U.S. markets Some U.S. states are trying to save money-losing nuclear plants — and disrupting America’s electricity markets in the process. New York and Illinois have cleared the way for nuclear power to be subsidized with higher fees on buyers — aid normally reserved for renewable energy like … Continue reading Paying nuclear losers for ‘clean’ power upends U.S. markets→
Will Apple’s Overseas Billions Help Westinghouse Complete New Nuclear Plants? A Friday report from NHK, Japan’s public broadcasting company, announced that Apple might join Foxconn in a coordinated bid for a majority stake in Toshiba, the world’s second largest supplier of flash memory chips. None of the companies involved has confirmed the report. If the … Continue reading Will #Apple ‘s Overseas Billions Help #Westinghouse Complete New Nuclear Plants?→
The United States’ nuclear-power slump Article after article has demonstrated how renewable energy, combined with energy efficiency, especially in buildings, can more than make up for the 19.5 percent of U.S. electricity generation currently provided by the dwindling nuclear-power sector. Climate change will not wait. Slow, cumbersome nuclear energy, even if its many problems vanish … Continue reading The United States’ nuclear-power slump→
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station prepares for refueling outage Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station began reducing power Sunday morning in preparation for a temporary refueling outage, a spokesman for the Plymouth facility said in a statement. During the outage, more than 800 temporary workers will assist the plant’s 620 full-time employees in inspecting, upgrading, and replacing hundreds … Continue reading #Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station prepares for #refueling outage→
Ohio lawmakers introduce bill to support FirstEnergy’s nuclear plants Ohio is the latest state to catch ZEC fever. Zero emission credits are designed to aid nuclear plants at risk of early closure in the nation’s wholesale markets by paying them for their zero-carbon generation. But critics, ranging from consumer advocates to gas generators, have opposed … Continue reading #Ohio lawmakers introduce bill to support #FirstEnergy ‘s nuclear plants→
Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant begins refueling outage After 500 days of continuous operation, the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant began its 28th biennial refueling outage April 14, Xcel Energy reported in a news release this morning. The outage includes fuel replacement, maintenance, inspection, and testing activities that will result in improved equipment and plant reliability. This … Continue reading #Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant begins refueling outage #Xcel→
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