Contractor bankruptcy looms at Georgia nuclear plant hearing ATLANTA (AP) — Georgia Power executives said Thursday that they’re considering all options for the fate of a planned nuclear plant after its main contractor filed for bankruptcy, repeatedly telling state regulators and opposition groups that the project’s completion date and total cost are in flux. The … Continue reading Contractor #bankruptcy looms at Georgia nuclear plant hearing→
Nuclear Generation Expected to Decline with Reactor Retirements Far more nuclear generation capacity is expected to be retired rather than added through 2050, a study by the Energy Information Administration indicated. Though 9.1 GW of new capacity is projected to be added, 29.9 GW is expected to be retired. The reactors already announced for closure … Continue reading Nuclear Generation Expected to Decline with Reactor Retirements→
Georgia Power: Deadlines at Plant Vogtle no longer feasible, is cancellation an option? GEORGIA (WSAV) – Officials from Georgia Power say that construction deadlines on two new nuclear reactors do not seem feasible and the company is evaluating new completion dates now. The reactors are about three years behind schedule and in February, a new … Continue reading #Georgia_Power: Deadlines at Plant #Vogtle no longer feasible, is cancellation an option?→
Coal And Nuke Investors Think Trump Just Saved Their Bacon. They’re Naïve. President Donald Trump was hailed by many in the energy industry — and excoriated by environmentalists — in January when he made a great show of signing executive orders advancing the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline and the Keystone XL pipeline. (I argued at … Continue reading Coal And Nuke Investors Think Trump Just Saved Their Bacon. They’re Naïve.→
Michigan regulators to decide fate of energy contract LAWRENCE, Mich. (AP) — The Michigan Public Service Commission is deciding whether ending a nuclear power purchase contract would be a cost-saving decision for energy customers. The commission held back-to-back public meetings Monday in Lawrence, Michigan, to focus on Consumers Energy’s plan to terminate a 15-year contract … Continue reading #Michigan regulators to decide fate of energy contract #Palisades→
Inside Arizona’s Only Nuclear Power Plant Evvery six months, Arizona’s only nuclear power plant shuts down one of its three reactors for refueling and maintenance. The Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station southwest of Phoenix recently underwent the process. Six words greet all who enter Palo Verde – visitors, staff, or one of the thousand contractors … Continue reading Inside #Arizona ‘s Only Nuclear Power Plant #Palo_Verde→
When Indian Point Shuts Down, Will Storage or Efficiency Save the Day? Closing a nuclear power plant is like wading through wet concrete: The hard part is yet to come. That hard part is coming fast to New York, where the state’s political leadership committed to ramping up to 50 percent renewable energy by 2030 … Continue reading When Indian Point Shuts Down, Will Storage or Efficiency Save the Day?→
Why nuclear power has no future in California or U.S. To those who have watched the nuclear industry collapse, the recent bankruptcy of Westinghouse Electric Corp. is nothing short of the industry’s death rattle and the final chapter in the 20th century’s deluded affair with nuclear power. The company’s demise can only be read as … Continue reading Why nuclear power has no future in #California or U.S.→
Lawmakers grill Cuomo officials on nuclear power plant bailout Assembly Democrats grilled Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s energy officials for more than four hours Monday about a plan executed by the Public Service Commission and a major energy company that will keep three upstate nuclear power plants alive for the next 12 years. Utility ratepayers, mostly from … Continue reading Lawmakers grill #Cuomo officials on nuclear power plant bailout→
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