What happens when the coal and nuclear plants close? Whether this is the beginning of a great new era of American energy or a disaster in the making is the subject of much debate. And now add another voice to the mix, as the research firm IHS Markit warned in a report released Tuesday that … Continue reading What happens when the coal and nuclear plants close?→
Long-Term Scenarios for Coal, Nuclear Power, and Natural Gas In May, Southern Company cancelled the nation’s major coal sequestration project. This action was followed by the shutdown of massive nuclear construction projects in South Carolina, announced in July. An August decision in by Duke Power to suspend plans for nuclear construction in Florida added another … Continue reading Long-Term Scenarios for Coal, Nuclear Power, and Natural Gas→
U.S. nuclear firm Westinghouse sees end to bankruptcy proceedings in 2018 LONDON: U.S. nuclear reactor maker Westinghouse does not expect to come out of Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings before the end of 2017 but hopes to complete restructuring in early 2018, its CEO said. Cost overruns at four nuclear reactors it was building in the … Continue reading U.S. nuclear firm #Westinghouse sees end to #bankruptcy proceedings in 2018→
Refueling activities and performance enhancements underway at Plant Vogtle Unit 2 BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Sept. 18, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — Plant operators safely took Unit 2 of the Alvin W. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant offline Sunday, Sept. 17, at 4:57 a.m. EDT for a scheduled refueling outage. Each of the two units at Plant Vogtle requires new … Continue reading #Refueling activities and performance enhancements underway at Plant #Vogtle Unit 2→
Three Mile Island begins refueling outage LONDONDERRY TOWNSHIP, DAUPHIN COUNTY, Pa.– Absent a legislative solution, Monday likely marked the last time Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Londonderry Township will remove Unit 1 from service for maintenance refueling, according to Dave Marcheskie, senior communications manager for TMI. Earlier this year, Exelon Generation announced plans … Continue reading #Three_Mile_Island begins refueling outage→
Three Mile Island fights once again for its nuclear survival MIDDLETOWN, Pa. — Workers are setting the groundwork at Three Mile Island for a maintenance outage this month to replenish Unit 1’s uranium core, an elaborately choreographed event that requires 1,500 contract workers and injects millions of dollars into the local economy. But TMI’s biennial … Continue reading #Three_Mile_Island fights once again for its nuclear survival→
Natural gas supplies half of ERCOT demand in August; nuclear share rises Natural-gas fired generation took up half of the fuel mix in the Electric Reliability Council of Texas in August after topping 50% in July, an almost two-year high, with more nuclear generation in the stack due to fewer nuclear outages than in July, … Continue reading Natural gas supplies half of ERCOT demand in August; nuclear share rises→
Solar Power to Rival Nuclear Energy by the End of This Year New studies from separate groups report that solar power is continuously improving. While not on the same output as its rival nuclear energy, solar could become the primary source of electricity by 2050, according to one study. Between solar power and wind power … Continue reading Solar Power to Rival Nuclear Energy by the End of This Year→
Smaller nuclear reactors, more cost efficiency on horizon for DoE The current Energy Department administration is more invested in nuclear power options than ever before, according to one insider. “The health of the nuclear sector is good,” Ed McGinnis, principle deputy assistant secretary for nuclear energy at the Department of Energy, said on Energy Department … Continue reading Smaller nuclear reactors, more cost efficiency on horizon for DoE→
If nuclear is not in the future US energy mix, what will replace it? The decision to not go forward with the V.C. Summer nuclear plant because of cost overruns and construction delays shows the 1960s dream of “too cheap to meter” nuclear-generated electricity is more like a financial nightmare today. Policy specialists say significant … Continue reading If nuclear is not in the future US energy mix, what will replace it?→
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