Limerick-1 nuclear unit in Pennsylvania coasts to refueling outage Exelon Generation’s 1,246-MW Limerick-1 nuclear unit in Limerick, Pennsylvania, has begun its coast to a refueling and maintenance outage. Company spokeswoman Emily Ryan said in an email Friday that the reactor was “currently at 99% power as part of the unit’s end-of-cycle coastdown. For competitive reasons, … Continue reading #Limerick – 1 nuclear unit in #Pennsylvania coasts to refueling outage→
17 for ’17: The Future Of Nuclear Power In Georgia There was going to be a nuclear renaissance in the United States, or at least, supporters of nuclear power about a decade ago hoped there would be. Like us on Facebook Nuclear boosters say it’s important for U.S. leadership for nuclear to be built here, … Continue reading 17 for ’17: The Future Of Nuclear Power In Georgia→
Time to flip the ‘off’ switch for Plant Vogtle This week, Georgia’s Public Service Commission will either deliver state consumers a welcome holiday gift or play the Grinch and stick them with a heftier bill to pay. The PSC’s five members are scheduled to decide at their meeting Thursday how to proceed with Georgia Power’s … Continue reading Time to flip the ‘off’ switch for Plant #Vogtle→
PSEG NUCLEAR SUBSIDY BILL COULD COST CUSTOMERS $350M ANNUALLY The state’s more than 3 million electric customers could be slapped with a huge new surcharge of up to $350 million a year to keep three of New Jersey’s nuclear plants open under a controversial bill introduced late Thursday and made public today. The legislation (S-3560), … Continue reading #PSEG NUCLEAR SUBSIDY BILL COULD COST CUSTOMERS $350M ANNUALLY→
Nuclear power’s resilience and security benefits are priceless The state of Georgia remains in the throes of a debate that will have long-term impacts on the state’s electric power sector, its economy and, very likely, the long-term prospects for nuclear power in America. That debate being whether or not to continue with the construction of … Continue reading Nuclear power ’s resilience and security benefits are priceless→
Trump’s Plan to Save Coal, Nuclear Plants in Trouble The administration of US President Donald Trump plans to keep coal and nuclear power plants running, but analysts are skeptical it will do enough to prevent more of the facilities from closing down. Energy Secretary Rick Perry has proposed subsidizing coal-fired plants and nuclear power stations … Continue reading Trump’s Plan to Save Coal, Nuclear Plants in Trouble→
Ohio nuclear generators to face more competition with new 955-MW gas plant Nuclear generators already struggling in Ohio will face even more competition from almost 900 MW of gas-fired generation that came online this summer, and another 950 MW plant now in the works. Both plants will connect to the PJM Integration market, according to … Continue reading #Ohio nuclear generators to face more competition with new 955-MW gas plant→
Biggest U.S. Nuclear Owner Exelon Invests in Storage Startup Exelon Corp., the biggest U.S. nuclear operator, is investing in the batteries of the future. The company is a lead backer of Volta Energy Technologies, a startup that plans to evaluate and test new energy-storage technologies. Albemarle Corp., the Charlotte-based lithium supplier, is also a lead … Continue reading Biggest U.S. Nuclear Owner Exelon Invests in Storage Startup→
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