MISO realtime LMP prints > $250 (#Indiana_Hub = $269)
Cold morning drives PJM real-time LMP > $650 (#PEP = $680)
MISO real-time LMP > $200 (#Indiana_Hub = $213)
01-17-18 ERCOT real-time LMP > $3000 (HB_North = $3020)
Another strong morning in PJM as real-time LMP spike over $600 (#PEP = $612)
NYISO real-time LMP prices > $700 (#NYC = $724)
PJM real-time LMP > $400 on MLK Holiday (#PEP = $449)
PJM weekend real-time LMP > $800 (#BGE = $801)
Weekend real-time LMP prices in PJM spiked over $800 in the BGE zone.
#Noreaster begins to effect NYISO and NEISO…real-time LMP spikes >$250 #cyclonebomb #bombogenesis
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