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#Colorado will comply with EPA ’s plan to cut CO2 emissions, Hickenlooper says

Colorado will comply with EPA’s plan to cut CO2 emissions, Hickenlooper says The EPA’s Clean Power Plan was rolled out in June 2014. The plan, expected to be finalized this summer, aims to cut the nation’s emissions of CO2, a greenhouse gas, by 30 percent below 2005 levels by 2030. The EPA’s proposed rules also … Continue reading #Colorado will comply with EPA ’s plan to cut CO2 emissions, Hickenlooper says

Britain plans power station capable of capturing 90 pct CO2 emissions

Britain plans power station capable of capturing 90 pct CO2 emissions LONDON, May 15 (Xinhua) — The British government announced Friday that it will fund the industrial research and feasibility work of a proposed coal-gasification power station, which will be equipped with carbon-capture-storage (CCS) technology and can capture and store 90 percent CO2 emissions. According … Continue reading Britain plans power station capable of capturing 90 pct CO2 emissions

Gov. Brown issues order to reduce California’s greenhouse gas emissions

Gov. Brown issues order to reduce California’s greenhouse gas emissions Currently in the midst of four consecutive years of exceptional drought, California is experiencing first-hand the real-life implications of a warming climate. Before the order, the state was already on track to “meet or exceed” targets for reducing CO2 emissions to pre-1990 levels in the … Continue reading Gov. Brown issues order to reduce California’s greenhouse gas emissions

Sorry, But the Sky (and the Electricity Power Grid) Is Not Falling

Sorry, But the Sky (and the Electricity Power Grid) Is Not Falling Quite curiously, every time there are regulations in Washington that affect industries and big corporations, their paid lobbyists and industry trade groups scream as loudly as they possibly can that the sky is falling, the economy will get worse and systems will fail. … Continue reading Sorry, But the Sky (and the Electricity Power Grid) Is Not Falling

Global Temperatures And Atmospheric CO2: Hottest March Ever; CO2 At All-Time High

Global Temperatures And Atmospheric CO2: Hottest March Ever; CO2 At All-Time High NOAA published its report on global land and sea temperatures for March on Friday, April 17. Inasmuch as five of the previous seven months set new records, it was not surprising that March’s land and sea temperatures were the highest ever recorded for … Continue reading Global Temperatures And Atmospheric CO2: Hottest March Ever; CO2 At All-Time High


SOME GOVERNORS PUSH BACK OVER MCCONNELL LETTER TO DEFY EPA CONCORD, N.H. — Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s call for governors to defy proposed federal rules to limit pollution has been met with mostly silence, but leaders in downwind New England states and drought-stricken areas in the West are pushing back. The Kentucky Republican wrote … Continue reading SOME GOVERNORS PUSH BACK OVER MCCONNELL LETTER TO DEFY EPA