FERC Moderates NYISO Rule Impacting NY-Supported Demand Response As former Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Chairman Norman Bay walked out the door on Feb. 3, 2017, he and the remaining two commissioners issued a decision that makes it easier for New York State to support certain special demand or distributed resources while such projects also … Continue reading FERC Moderates NYISO Rule Impacting NY-Supported Demand Response→
PJM may use demand-response approach for distributed energy PJM Interconnection stakeholders may use a “demand-response type” of framework for integrating distributed energy resources into PJM markets, and more details of this effort will be developed in special sessions of PJM’s Market Implementation Committee. That was one result of a special session Tuesday of the Markets … Continue reading PJM may use demand-response approach for distributed energy→
FERC approves CAISO tariff changes for demand response, distributed storage The changes to CAISO’s tariff are a part of the state’s efforts to bring a wider range of energy resources into its markets. As it moves forward with those plans, details are being worked out to better integrate resources that don’t act like typical generators. … Continue reading FERC approves CAISO tariff changes for demand response, distributed storage→
A FERC challenge: Opening up electricity markets to advanced energy technologies Grid operators should allow distributed resources and demand response to be priced for their unique attributes in organized markets In 2015, the U.S. advanced energy industry grew to $200 billion, up 29% since 2011. This is a result of ever-improving economics and performance. Demand … Continue reading A FERC challenge: Opening up electricity markets to advanced energy technologies→
College-Utility Partnerships Becoming a Cottage Industry Knowledge is perhaps the greatest power for electric utilities. To that end, many of the nation’s best known electricity providers and service companies are forging partnerships with colleges around the country. Duke Energy, Exelon, Johnson Controls, Eversource Energy and Schneider Electric have connected with various institutions to realize research … Continue reading College-Utility Partnerships Becoming a Cottage Industry→
Clock Strikes Midnight On Emergency Generators And Demand Response The clock struck midnight Sunday on emergency generation for demand response, and the boom fell today: May Day was supposed to have been a bad day for many of the curtailment response providers (CSPs) – and their customers with emergency generators – that provide demand response … Continue reading Clock Strikes Midnight On Emergency Generators And Demand Response→
How New York ISO tariff changes for DR programs could save ratepayers millions e New York ISO will soon implement several changes to its scarcity pricing mechanism, bringing real-time price formation to demand response resources and potentially saving ratepayers millions of dollars. The grid operator proposed last year – and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission … Continue reading How New York ISO tariff changes for DR programs could save ratepayers millions→
FERC greenlight changes to NYISO’s demand response pricing Changes to demand response pricing had wide approval from generators and transmission owners, but New York Department of State’s Utility Intervention Unit said it was concerned about the efficiency of generation dispatch under the proposal. Regulators responded that gains in transparency and more accurate pricing signals trumped … Continue reading FERC greenlight changes to NYISO ‘s demand response pricing→
More Demand Response in Microgrids following Supreme Court Decision? Maybe, Maybe Not With a dark legal cloud lifted from demand response, the resource is likely to find new life on the grid. But what about demand response in microgrids? Demand response – where a utility or grid operator signals customers to reduce energy use and … Continue reading More Demand Response in Microgrids following Supreme Court Decision? Maybe, Maybe Not→
Pushing for a better energy standard If our electric utilities are as slow-moving as they’re purported to be (and, yes, of course, they are), at least the Open Automated Demand Response Alliance is doing what it can to make things happen. The alliance has been growing nicely of late. Membership – consisting mostly of building … Continue reading Pushing for a better energy standard→
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