NYISO: New ISO-NE capacity rules could spike New York power prices Federal officials denied New York’s request to delay tariff change implementation, saying the flaw lies in New York’s rules and not the regional ISO. In its decision, federal regulators said they recognized the New York ISO’s concerns “about a potential flaw in its market … Continue reading NYISO: New ISO-NE capacity rules could spike New York power prices→
PJM capacity auction reform spurs $250 million in investments The operators of generation units that cleared in the PJM Interconnection’s Capacity Performance auction for the 2016-17 planning year have spent or are spending about $250 million in response to the new capacity market’s tougher reliability requirements, stakeholders learned Monday. During the PJM Members Committee monthly … Continue reading PJM capacity auction reform spurs $250 million in investments→
Grid operator ERCOT expects sufficient electrical supplies AUSTIN, Texas (AP) – The grid operator for Texas says electric users should have sufficient supply for demands this fall and winter. The Electric Reliability Council of Texas, or ERCOT, on Thursday announced its predictions for fall and the preliminary outlook for December through February. The fall report … Continue reading Grid operator ERCOT expects sufficient electrical supplies→
Munis, co-ops to propose revamp of PJM’s capacity market structure PJM’s RPM went into effect in 2007, the result of lengthy negotiations between grid stakeholders and a settlement in front of federal regulators. It has since been modified two dozen times in the intervening years as market conditions changed, and now a group of public … Continue reading Munis, co-ops to propose revamp of PJM ‘s capacity market structure→
MISO proposed auction design sparks concerns, questions from stakeholders Portions of Michigan and Illinois are causing headaches for the grid operator for most of the Midwest, leading to the possible creation of a new capacity market. Platts reports there is significant interest in the new market, which would be a prompt-year solicitation for the portions … Continue reading MISO proposed auction design sparks concerns, questions from stakeholders→
Three power plants worth $2B planned in WV; Moundsville to begin construction this year CLARKSBURG — Work is continuing to bring three natural-gas-fired power plants to West Virginia, with an estimated $2 billion investment in the three projects, an official with Energy Solutions Consortium said. Energy Solutions is planning to build the power plants in … Continue reading Three power plants worth $2B planned in WV; Moundsville to begin construction this year→
MISO Delays Forward Auction Filing; Issues Draft Tariff and Business Rules CARMEL, Ind. — After a missed July filing target and subsequent weeks of hints, MISO on Monday confirmed that it was postponing its forward capacity auction proposal until the 2018/19 planning year. Richard Doying, MISO executive vice president of operations and corporate services, told … Continue reading MISO Delays Forward Auction Filing; Issues Draft Tariff and Business Rules→
PJM’s Transition to Capacity Performance is Changing the Approach to Procuring DERs The Supreme Court upheld FERC Order 745 in January 2016, certifying the legality of demand response and instigating opportunity — and growing pains — for participating resources. As demand response continues to evolve within the domain of distributed energy resources (DERs), integration into … Continue reading PJM ’s Transition to Capacity Performance is Changing the Approach to Procuring DERs→
Green Groups Challenge PJM’s Capacity Performance Rules The “polar vortex” storm of January 2014 blew in big changes to PJM Interconnection’s operations. But these changes are now the subject of a lawsuit filed by environmental groups, alleging they discriminate against clean energy sources. The sub-zero temperatures froze coal piles and gearboxes. Natural gas plants, lacking … Continue reading Green Groups Challenge PJM ’s Capacity Performance Rules→
MISO energy markets efficient, capacity markets not: monitor The Midcontinent Independent System Operator’s energy markets operated competitively and efficiently in 2015, but its capacity market has not provided “efficient economic signals to facilitate investment, retirement and capacity import/export decisions,” MISO’s independent market monitor said Tuesday. David Patton, president of Potomac Economics, MISO’s IMM, told stakeholders … Continue reading MISO energy markets efficient, capacity markets not: monitor→
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