Texas wind sets new records as gas, coal, nuclear generation shares decline Natural gas and wind energy increased in significance for the Texas grid operator in 2015 as coal’s share of the generation mix continued to decline. The natural gas share of ERCOT’s electricity generation fell to 44.5% in November from 47.9% in October. It … Continue reading #Texas wind sets new records as gas, coal, nuclear generation shares decline→
LP&L gives update on switch to ERCOT The discussion continued with LP&L’s transition to new power supply partner ERCOT, Electric Reliability Council of Texas. The state’s power grid services 24 million customers which represents 90 percent of the state’s electricity load. ERCOT has begun its research to integrate Lubbock Power and Light’s electric load to … Continue reading #LP&L gives update on switch to ERCOT→
Lamar Smith says Clean Power Plan will raise Texas energy costs by 16 percent a year: False U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith, the Environmental Protection Agency and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have been frequent sparring partners. In a Dec. 6, 2015 oped column, Smith, R-San Antonio, took to the San Antonio Express-News to warn readers … Continue reading Lamar Smith says Clean Power Plan will raise Texas energy costs by 16 percent a year: False→
LP&L upgrading transmission lines in preparation for 2019 Lubbock Power & Light is about to begin rebuilding transmission lines across the city, which was part of the reason for the gradual increase in base rates the past few years. The Electric Utility Board approved the first phase of upgrades — a $3 million contract to … Continue reading #LPL upgrading transmission lines in preparation for 2019→
Prepare To Pay More For Electricity In Texas By Ed Hirs, Energy Economist, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences The low electricity prices enjoyed by most Texas consumers can’t last forever. To understand why, you need first to understand a bit about the pricing structure in the Texas electricity market. Under the supervision of … Continue reading Prepare To Pay More For Electricity In #Texas→
Sour year not ending quietly for NRG, other independent producers A year to forget for U.S. independent power producers is almost over, but 2015 isn’t going out on a quiet note for the IPP sector. Four companies in that realm — Calpine Corp., NRG Energy Inc., Dynegy Inc. and Talen Energy Corp. — have seen … Continue reading Sour year not ending quietly for #NRG, other independent producers→
Wind leads growth in Texas power generation Wind power dominates new power generation projects planned in Texas, and solar growth is expected to exceed new natural gas construction in terms of generation added to the grid, according to a report from the Electric Reliability Council of Texas. The capacity, demand and reserves report from ERCOT, … Continue reading Wind leads growth in Texas power generation→
The Texas Power Market: An Industry in Flux Enter your zip code, review plans for your area, and click to sign up. Texas is one of 16 deregulated power markets in the country, and a website called PowertoChoose.org makes it simple for Texans to compare and switch electricity providers. The number of Texas providers has … Continue reading The Texas Power Market: An Industry in Flux→
TRANSMISSION PROJECT NO FACTOR IN IDLING HOUSTON-AREA PLANT: CALPINE Calpine plans to suspend operations on February 22, 2016 at its 91-MW cogeneration facility near Houston, but a major transmission project on which state regulators are to decide Thursday was not a factor, a spokesman said. The Electric Reliability Council of Texas on November 24 issued … Continue reading TRANSMISSION PROJECT NO FACTOR IN IDLING HOUSTON-AREA PLANT: CALPINE→
ERCOT TO HAVE TIGHTER POWER SUPPLY IN SUMMER 2016: REPORT An Electric Reliability Council of Texas report released Tuesday shows the independent system operator expects the supply of electricity to be tighter in summer 2016 than it did in the May version of the report. ERCOT’s Capacity, Demand and Reserves report, which is issued twice … Continue reading ERCOT TO HAVE TIGHTER POWER SUPPLY IN #SUMMER 2016: REPORT→
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