Market Forces Largely Driving Lone Star State’s Transition To Cleaner Grid

Market Forces Largely Driving Lone Star State’s Transition To Cleaner Grid Natural gas and renewable energy are capable of providing all new electric power that Texas will need in the foreseeable future, according to the Texas Clean Energy Coalition (TCEC), which cites a report from The Brattle Group. The report, “Exploring Natural Gas and Renewables … Continue reading Market Forces Largely Driving Lone Star State’s Transition To Cleaner Grid

#Xcel_Energy requests nearly $90 million switching fee if #LPL joins ERCOT

Xcel Energy requests nearly $90 million switching fee if LP&L joins ERCOT Xcel Energy is seeking an interconnection switching fee estimated to cost $88.7 million if Lubbock Power & Light proceeds with its plan to disconnect from Xcel’s system to join the Electric Reliability Council of Texas in 2019. Xcel filed a request with the … Continue reading #Xcel_Energy requests nearly $90 million switching fee if #LPL joins ERCOT

Natural Gas & Renewables Can Provide 100% Of Texas Electricity

Natural Gas & Renewables Can Provide 100% Of Texas Electricity Natural gas and renewable energy can provide 100% of the electricity Texas needs in the foreseeable future, according to a new report from the Brattle Group. According to a new report conducted by researchers at the Brattle Group, prepared for the Texas Clean Energy Coalition, … Continue reading Natural Gas & Renewables Can Provide 100% Of Texas Electricity

Energy Department Suspends Funding for Texas Carbon Capture Project, Igniting Debate

Energy Department Suspends Funding for Texas Carbon Capture Project, Igniting Debate Energy Secretary Moniz pulls funds for the project from the FY2017 budget, as the DOE’s inspector general says the agency has been taking too much risk. The Obama administration has suspended funding for a large, troubled carbon capture and storage project, a decision being … Continue reading Energy Department Suspends Funding for Texas Carbon Capture Project, Igniting Debate

Priority Power Management Supports the Proposed Far West Texas Project in ERCOT

Priority Power Management Supports the Proposed Far West Texas Project in ERCOT MIDLAND, Texas & ARLINGTON, Texas–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Priority Power Management, LLC (“PPM”), a Texas-based leading independent energy management and consulting services firm, announced today its support of the Far West Texas Project (“FWTP”), a joint project of American Electric Power Service Corporation (“AEP”) and Oncor … Continue reading Priority Power Management Supports the Proposed Far West Texas Project in ERCOT

Texas Moving Into Real-World Proposal Stage for Distributed Energy-Grid Integration

Texas Moving Into Real-World Proposal Stage for Distributed Energy-Grid Integration Last week, Texas grid operator ERCOT officially disbanded its Distributed Resource Energy & Ancillaries Market (DREAM) Task Force. That’s the group that’s been leading the discussion about how solar PV, batteries, demand response and other distributed energy resources could play a role in the state’s … Continue reading Texas Moving Into Real-World Proposal Stage for Distributed Energy-Grid Integration

ERCOT: Uncertainty Increased in 10-Year Outlook

ERCOT: Uncertainty Increased in 10-Year Outlook Uncertainty concerning a number of environmental rules is clouding planning measures, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) said on May 3. Citing its latest Capacity, Demand, and Reserves (CDR) report—a snapshot of existing and planned resources and load forecasts for the next 10 years—the grid entity that manages … Continue reading ERCOT: Uncertainty Increased in 10-Year Outlook