ERCOT working on generation – related seams issues

ERCOT working on generation-related seams issues Electric Reliability Council of Texas stakeholders will spend the next few weeks discussing how to resolve issues about 4,159 MW of generation along ERCOT’s seams that can switch from supplying ERCOT to another market and vice versa. During Wednesday’s ERCOT Wholesale Market Subcommittee meeting, Bill Blevins, ERCOT grid operations … Continue reading ERCOT working on generation – related seams issues

Texas to become the fastest-growing utility-scale solar market in the US

Texas to become the fastest-growing utility-scale solar market in the US Texas is rapidly emerging as a frontrunner for utility-scale solar growth in the US, according to various reports. US Solar Market Insight, Q2 2016, compiled by GTM Research and the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) explains how the Lone Star state has secured a … Continue reading Texas to become the fastest-growing utility-scale solar market in the US

Independent Market Monitors Wouldn’t Have It Any Other Way

Independent Market Monitors Wouldn’t Have It Any Other Way Lessons Unlearned: FERC’s Punt on Market Monitors’ Independence After allegations of management interference led PJM to replace its internal market monitoring unit with an independent monitor in 2008, FERC had an opportunity to prohibit other RTOs from using the internal structure. Because it chose not to … Continue reading Independent Market Monitors Wouldn’t Have It Any Other Way

Southwest Power Pool’s old-wires upgrade charges ‘shock’ Texas regulators

Southwest Power Pool’s old-wires upgrade charges ‘shock’ Texas regulators Texas regulators on Thursday expressed “shock” that Southwest Power Pool has requested payment from utilities over 10 months for locally allocated costs of transmission upgrades approved over a period of more than eight years — amounts that could approach $100 million. Donna Nelson, Public Utility Commission … Continue reading Southwest Power Pool’s old-wires upgrade charges ‘shock’ Texas regulators

Proposed ERCOT rule could boost RMR energy price 10 times

Proposed ERCOT rule could boost RMR energy price 10 times If a Houston-area generator under an Electric Reliability Council of Texas reliability-must-run contract were dispatched to resolve a transmission constraint, the price would be about 10 times its current price cap under a rule hotly debated by stakeholders Thursday. At issue is Nodal Protocol Revision … Continue reading Proposed ERCOT rule could boost RMR energy price 10 times