#Texas city tells ERCOT it plans to operate coal – fired plant seasonally

Texas city tells ERCOT it plans to operate coal-fired plant seasonally he Texas city of Garland, near Dallas, has told the Electric Reliability Council of Texas it plans to mothball its 470-MW coal-fired plant on a seasonal basis, starting October 17. In a suspension of operations notice filed with ERCOT late Wednesday, Garland said it … Continue reading #Texas city tells ERCOT it plans to operate coal – fired plant seasonally

San Antonio’s #CPS_Energy guards against 94,000 attempted cyberattack s per day

San Antonio’s CPS Energy guards against 94,000 attempted cyberattacks per day CPS Energy withstands roughly 94,000 attempted cyberattacks a day as hackers in China, Russia and elsewhere scour its network for weaknesses to try to infiltrate the city-owned utility and disrupt power supplies in Texas. “We can’t take this lightly, and we are not arrogant … Continue reading San Antonio’s #CPS_Energy guards against 94,000 attempted cyberattack s per day

Renewables on the grid: Putting the negative-price myth to bed

Renewables on the grid: Putting the negative-price myth to bed New, comprehensive analysis of electricity market price data confirms that renewable energy policies are not directly factored into electricity market prices. Three years ago, the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) rebutted arguments that occurrences of negative prices at nuclear plants in Illinois were frequently caused … Continue reading Renewables on the grid: Putting the negative-price myth to bed

This city has impressive clean energy potential, but its utility is trying to block solar’s growth

This city has impressive clean energy potential, but its utility is trying to block solar’s growth The list of solar power’s benefits goes on and on. Solar doesn’t pollute or waste water. Solar is getting cheaper every day, making it an increasingly affordable option for people to produce their own electricity and save money on … Continue reading This city has impressive clean energy potential, but its utility is trying to block solar’s growth