ERCOT approves Texas muni’s plan to mothball coal – fired plant

ERCOT approves Texas muni’s plan to mothball coal-fired plant The city of Garland, Texas, can mothball its 470-MW coal-fired plant in Grimes County starting October 17, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas said Thursday. In a suspension-of-operations notice filed July 19 with ERCOT, Garland said it is seeking to mothball its Gibbons Creek plant on … Continue reading ERCOT approves Texas muni’s plan to mothball coal – fired plant

#Texas tops nation in energy creation and use, but who knew coal was on the rise here?

Texas tops nation in energy creation and use, but who knew coal was on the rise here? Texas is the nation’s largest — and one of the world’s top — oil producers. A result is that Texas also leads the nation in energy consumption by a wide margin. Texas uses a little more energy than … Continue reading #Texas tops nation in energy creation and use, but who knew coal was on the rise here?

#NRG #CEO predicts ERCOT margins to shrink further

NRG CEO predicts ERCOT margins to shrink further The grid operator for most of Texas has acknowledged that reserve margins are falling, but according to Gutierrez, the decline is more precipitous than thought. “We’re seeing continued pressure for retirements, given the low prices experienced in Texas over the past several years,” Gutierrez said during the … Continue reading #NRG #CEO predicts ERCOT margins to shrink further

#Luminant ‘s #Comanche_Peak -2 reactor in Texas due to return ‘late next week’

Luminant’s Comanche Peak-2 reactor in Texas due to return ‘late next week’ The 1,124-MW Comanche Peak-2 nuclear reactor is due to come back online late next week after shutting down June 5 due to problems with a steam turbine, Vistra Energy said Friday. During an earnings call with analysts, Vistra executives said repairs and replacement … Continue reading #Luminant ‘s #Comanche_Peak -2 reactor in Texas due to return ‘late next week’