CAISO Monitor Proposes Fixes for #EIM Market Power Concerns

CAISO Monitor Proposes Fixes for EIM Market Power Concerns CAISO’s internal Market Monitor is proposing new enforcement measures to address market power concerns in the Energy Imbalance Market — an effort that could help participants win market-based rate authority in the West’s only real-time energy market. The Monitor’s efforts come in response to FERC rulings … Continue reading CAISO Monitor Proposes Fixes for #EIM Market Power Concerns

Inside construction of the world’s largest lithium ion battery storage facility

Inside construction of the world’s largest lithium ion battery storage facility SDG&E’s 120 MWh Escondido storage project will help mitigate a natural gas shortage in southern California e largest battery storage system in the world will also be one of the fastest constructed in history. In August, San Diego Gas & Electric tapped energy storage … Continue reading Inside construction of the world’s largest lithium ion battery storage facility

#PG_&_E Corp. Names #Williams as Incoming President

PG&E Corp. Names Williams as Incoming President As part of a leadership succession plan, the board of directors of PG&E Corporation elected Geisha Williams, 55, as Chief Executive Officer and President of PG&E Corp. Williams is currently President, Electric of Pacific Gas and Electric Company, PG&E Corporation’s utility subsidiary. Tony Earley, Jr., 67, currently Chairman, … Continue reading #PG_&_E Corp. Names #Williams as Incoming President

How California utility regulators are turning electric vehicles into grid resources

How California utility regulators are turning electric vehicles into grid resources Nw numbers show California’s peak demand will stress its grid more than previously thought, and in response policymakers are pushing ahead with an unexpected solution: electric vehicles. In 2015, California’s grid needed as much as 10,091 MW of quick-responding resources to meet a three-hour … Continue reading How California utility regulators are turning electric vehicles into grid resources

Solar power store highlights bright potential for clean energy

Solar power store highlights bright potential for clean energy Next to the Village Pet Market, two doors down from Trader Joe’s, a vision of California’s energy future is for sale. Bland’s Solar & Air, in a nondescript strip mall here, looks a little like a car dealership, only for personal electricity generators from the sun. … Continue reading Solar power store highlights bright potential for clean energy

CAISO considers tweaks to flexible capacity rules as #duck_curve grows

CAISO considers tweaks to flexible capacity rules as duck curve grows Platts has the details on changes being considered by the California ISO to the alphabet soup that makes up its flexible resource products. The grid’s flexible resource adequacy criteria must-offer obligation (FRAC-MOO) runs alongside utility requirements to acquire more flexible capacity. A FRAC-MOO web … Continue reading CAISO considers tweaks to flexible capacity rules as #duck_curve grows

FERC Approves CAISO’s Revisions To Local Market Power Mitigation Procedures

FERC Approves CAISO’s Revisions To Local Market Power Mitigation Procedures On November 8, 2016, FERC approved the California Independent System Operator Corporation’s (“CAISO”) proposed tariff revisions intended to improve the effectiveness of its local market power mitigation procedures by reducing the frequency of instances where such procedures under-predict congestion. Going forward, CAISO will apply mitigation … Continue reading FERC Approves CAISO’s Revisions To Local Market Power Mitigation Procedures

#PG&E completes battery system performance pilot project in CAISO

PG&E completes battery system performance pilot project in CAISO PG&E’s announcement that it has integrated battery storage into the CAISO market is an indicator of where the state’s grid is heading, but the full report on experiment also indicates there is progress to be made. The utility said the CAISO day-ahead and real-time energy revenues … Continue reading #PG&E completes battery system performance pilot project in CAISO