#SDG_E to unveil world’s largest lithium ion battery energy storage facility

SDG&E to unveil world’s largest lithium ion battery energy storage facility The United States was once a projected leader in the nuclear energy race. In the 20th century, the world dreamed of finding a way to provide safe, cheap, and renewable energy, and nuclear power seemed to be the manifestation of those dreams. All of … Continue reading #SDG_E to unveil world’s largest lithium ion battery energy storage facility

CAISO Urges Flexibility and Coordination to Advance Distributed Energy Resource Aggregations at FERC

CAISO Urges Flexibility and Coordination to Advance Distributed Energy Resource Aggregations at FERC ntroduction As previously covered by K&L Gates’ Global Power Law and Policy blog, on November 17, 2016, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (“NOPR”) to remove barriers so that electric storage resources and distributed energy resource … Continue reading CAISO Urges Flexibility and Coordination to Advance Distributed Energy Resource Aggregations at FERC

New Study Highlights Need for California Market Refinements to Better Harness Clean Energy

New Study Highlights Need for California Market Refinements to Better Harness Clean Energy A new study, jointly conducted by the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) – the entity responsible for overseeing much of California’s electric grid – First Solar, and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), demonstrates the untapped potential of utility-scale solar. The study … Continue reading New Study Highlights Need for California Market Refinements to Better Harness Clean Energy

Energy updates: Coal is out, #NV_Energy asks to boost rooftop solar incentives

Energy updates: Coal is out, NV Energy asks to boost rooftop solar incentives With legislation proposed last week, Nevada lawmakers will soon debate a number of energy-related issues, including the state’s renewable portfolio standards and efficiency programs. One of the bills would require that 80 percent of the state’s energy come from renewable power sources … Continue reading Energy updates: Coal is out, #NV_Energy asks to boost rooftop solar incentives

#Green_Charge to install 2 MWh storage system at California college

Green Charge to install 2 MWh storage system at California college Green Charge, which is 80% owned by Engie (formerly GDF Suez), takes a demand side management approach to the energy storage market. Last October, the company teamed up with Pacific Gas and Electric to deliver grid services in northern and central California from distributed … Continue reading #Green_Charge to install 2 MWh storage system at California college

#California has glut of electricity but residents still pay 40% more than national average

California has glut of electricity but residents still pay 40% more than national average Reduced energy demand and a glut of power have created a situation where Californians are paying more for their electricity than they should be, according to a report. The Golden State “has a big — and growing — glut of power,” … Continue reading #California has glut of electricity but residents still pay 40% more than national average

#PG_E Substation Delayed

PG&E Substation Delayed The California Independent System Operator, which is responsible for operating and managing California’s energy grid, has informed Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) that it is reassessing projects throughout California, including its proposed South County Power Connect project, a PG&E spokesperson said Monday. “Based on the California Independent System Operator’s (CAISO) decision … Continue reading #PG_E Substation Delayed