Arizona’s SRP to join Western Energy Imbalance Market The growth of the Western EIM is saving utilities money, while also helping to avoid curtailing renewable energy by automatically finding the lowest-cost energy to serve real-time consumer demands. The market allows utilities to buy and sell power more efficiently in the hour before the energy is … Continue reading #Arizona ‘s #SRP to join Western #Energy_Imbalance_Market→
California Senate committee clears bill for new energy storage rebate program California is the nation’s largest energy storage market, in large part because the state has mandated its adoption among utilities and incentivized deployment for end users. Last year the state passed four bills aimed at encouraging storage. But the state was still missing incentives … Continue reading #California Senate committee clears bill for new energy storage rebate program→
Salt River Project signs PPA for 20 MW solar+storage project Salt River Project is preparing for a day when it will have substantially more renewable power on its grid. The public utility is one of the four operators of the 2,225-MW Navajo coal plant in Arizona, which is now scheduled to close in 2019. SRP’s … Continue reading #Salt_River_Project signs PPA for 20 MW solar + storage project→
California bill would force utilities to give rebates for energy-storage systems A bill that recently won state Senate committee approval would make California the first state to require utilities to dole out rebates to customers who install energy storage systems. The Energy Storage Initiative (SB700) was approved last week by the state’s Senate Energy, Utilities … Continue reading #California bill would force utilities to give rebates for energy storage systems→
CAISO: California curtailed 80 GWh of renewables in March On the back of repleted hydropower reservoirs and growing solar, the California ISO is curtailing more renewable generation: 60,000 MWh in February and 80,000 MWh in March, compared to 21,000 MWh and 47,000 MWh in the corresponding months last year. But the expansion of CAISO’s Energy … Continue reading CAISO: #California curtailed 80 GWh of renewables in March→
SDG&E signs contracts for 83.5 MW more battery storage The Southern California utility is going for more lithium-ion batteries, including the world’s largest battery system, to accommodate its leading portion of renewable energy. AES will install a 40 MW/160 MWh system which is larger than any battery deployed to date. San Diego Gas & Electric … Continue reading #SDG_E signs contracts for 83.5 MW more battery storage→
Solar plant will charge energy storage battery for SRP Salt River Project announced a 20-year power purchase agreement for a grid-scale, integrated solar and battery project that will be located in Pinal County. SRP will purchase all of the energy produced at the Pinal Central Energy Center, located near Coolidge, which will be constructed and … Continue reading Solar plant will charge energy storage battery for #SRP→
New Subsidies in California for Energy Storage California is no stranger to subsidizing renewable energy – and now, there is a newer and bigger subsidy that has just been approved, this time attempting to invigorate the energy storage market. California’s Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) has been a major success in the past years. The subsidy … Continue reading New Subsidies in California for Energy Storage→
Arizona Public Service’s long-range plan still leans heavily on gas Population growth and a boost in economic activity are both expected to help drive APS demand significantly higher over the next decade and a half. The utility says it expects its resource requirement to reach 13,000 MW by 2032 — about 60% higher than this … Continue reading #Arizona_Public_Service’s long-range plan still leans heavily on gas→
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