What Changed In The Solar & Energy Storage Industries In 2018? RSS Feed

What Changed In The Solar & Energy Storage Industries In 2018?

I started covering the solar energy industry seriously in 2009. It seemed like a hopping, exciting time in the industry — growth was exploding. I remember one early story in which readers admonished me a little because I put “Solar Power Exploding” in a headline, and they thought I was referring to genuine explosions. In 2019, 2009 and 2010 progress looks like anthills.

Scrolling back through our What Changed archives, below is a lengthy rundown of notable changes within the solar energy and energy storage industries in 2018. I’m sure I missed some of them — drop a note in the comments if you have a favorite I skipped. I’m also sure this post is far too long for the casual reader — do your best. Additionally, stay tuned for record-breaking progress in 2019.


Nevada raised its renewable electricity standard (requirement) from 15% by 2025 to 50% by 2030.

California approved new standards requiring that solar panels be installed on the roofs of nearly all new homes, condos, and apartment buildings by 2020.

California approved the “Million Solar Roofs of Energy Storage” bill.

California passed a law requiring 100% clean energy by 2045.

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) kicked off a $1 billion Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing (SOMAH) program — $100 million a year for solar power on multifamily housing buildings.

Illinois Governor Rauner signed two bills to support solar development conditions for Illinois farmers and rural areas, bills projected to generate $250–350 million in tax revenue.

New York started becoming much more of a solar power player in the United States, with 26 new large-scale solar power plants approved for development, a community solar push, and broader efforts to stimulate the industry.

Washington, DC, passed a 100% renewable energy bill.

Read full article at Clean Technica