Construction continues on OG&E’s Mustang power plant modernization
OKLAHOMA CITY — Going from steam, brass pipes and valves to jet engine technology and circuit boards, construction on Oklahoma Gas and Electric Co.’s Mustang modernization project will end later this year with seven new natural gas units ready for electricity generation.
As project manager Steven Blansett explained earlier this week on a site tour, this won’t be your father’s power plant. The two steam turbine units at the Oklahoma City plant date to the 1950s and are among the oldest units in OG&E’s generating fleet.
“You had a 1950s Chevy, and I’m giving you a 2017 Chevy,” Blansett said. “So where we used to have a lot of valves and brass pipes and stuff, it’s all electronic now. Everything is driven through the control room. It’s a lot more complicated as far as the technical side. If you’re a computer guru, you’re going to love this.”