Nine Mile Point Unit 1 Refueling Outage Powers Local Economy
OSWEGO, NY – Operators at Exelon Generation’s Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station removed Unit 1 from service just after midnight on Sunday (March 19) to begin a planned refueling outage.
The refueling outage will help ensure the unit runs safely and provides reliable, carbon-emissions free power to New York energy consumers for another two-year cycle.
To support the refueling outage, approximately 1,200 additional workers travel to Oswego County for several weeks, filling nearby hotels to capacity and increasing foot traffic in restaurants and shops.
While the unit is offline, technicians will replace nearly one-third of the reactor’s fuel and perform more than 7,400 inspections, tests, maintenance activities and modifications. Many of the tasks performed during the outage cannot be accomplished while the unit is online.
“We are proud to have the opportunity to operate our nuclear power plant here in Oswego County. We want to continue to provide the environmental, economic and reliability benefits that nuclear power brings to our region and the entire state,” said Nine Mile Point Site Vice President Peter Orphanos. “By investing in equipment and performing the right maintenance during the outage, we ensure safe, reliable operation of this clean air energy source for years to come.”