MISO Asks FERC to Dismiss IPL Storage Complaint
MISO asked FERC to reject Indianapolis Power and Light’s complaint over energy storage rules, calling it disruptive to stakeholder proceedings and the commission’s broad rulemaking.
MISO asked the commission to dismiss IPL’s Oct. 21 complaint and let it continue its stakeholder proceedings and “Market Roadmap” process as the venues for storage market design. MISO also said it would honor “deliberate commission policy” (EL17-8).
MISO’s response was one of a flurry of comments filed Nov. 10.
The RTO said IPL’s request could “distract and detract “from the RTO’s efforts to work out storage issues with stakeholders and from FERC’s effort to address the issue industry-wide “rather than within the narrow confines of a single market participant’s complaint in this limited proceeding.”
IPL told FERC that it had no way to receive compensation for the 20-MW battery at its Harding Street Station although the facility has been providing MISO with primary frequency response since May.
MISO responded that IPL’s request “improperly circumvents” FERC’s rulemaking on storage compensation and grid integration, a process that continued with a technical conference Nov. 9.
The RTO also argues that IPL “neither shows any immediate damage to itself from waiting for the outcome of such commission processes” and claims that there is no pressing need for primary frequency response service in the MISO footprint.
MISO also accused IPL of exaggerating and mischaracterizing alleged Tariff shortcomings and said IPL provided no proof of how MISO’s current storage energy resource dispatch protocols would harm the life of the Harding Street battery.
“A number of issues raised in the IPL complaint are already being addressed as part of MISO’s Market Roadmap process and through separate ongoing public stakeholder discussions,” MISO spokesman Jay Hermacinski said. “Stakeholder discussions and the Market Roadmap process are intended to comprehensively evaluate possible changes to MISO’s Tariff necessary to further accommodate various energy storage technologies.”