Indiana utility files with FERC for changes to ‘outdated’ MISO storage tariffs
MISO has been reforming its market rules to spur development of energy storage.
There has been some success, at least in terms of getting IPL’s Harding Street project up and running. But while the battery is operational, IPL says MISO’s tariffs and business practices hamper its operation.
IPL is seeking fast track treatment of its request because it says MISO has been engaged in “ongoing, indeterminate stakeholder process on battery energy storage issues,” and the utility asked FERC to place “tight time limits on any required MISO compliance filings.”
Harding Street currently provide frequency control services, automatic grid-scale service, including primary frequency response, and contributes to MISO’s compliance with North American Electric Reliability Corp. standards, but IPL says there are no provisions in the MISO tariff to compensate IPL for “the essential reliability service” that Harding Street provides.
IPL has asked FERC to find that MISO’ tariff is unjust and unreasonable and unduly discriminatory with respect to the compensation of primary frequency response (PFR) and that PFR should be paid under a separate tariff.
IPL also argues that MISO’s tariffs for ancillary services, energy, ramp, and capacity were designed for the operating characteristics of flywheels, which excludes other applicable technologies such as lithium-ion batteries, and that FERC should have MISO lift those restrictions.