#Idaho_Power will be sixth utility to join CAISO ‘s western Energy Imbalance Market #EIM RSS Feed

Idaho Power will be sixth utility to join CAISO’s western Energy Imbalance Market

By interfacing with CAISO and PacifiCorp systems across the Northwest, the Idaho Power system will create a stronger link between EIM participants in the the region, facilitating the trade of electricity across greater distances in conjunction with the California grid operator.

The EIM currently allows for automatic dispatch of least-cost energy in California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Utah, Idaho and Wyoming.

After a rocky start involving some price volatility, the EIM has consistently delivered benefits to member utilities, CAISO said in a press release announcing Idaho Power’s membership.

The ISO’s most recent quarterly report shows combined benefits of more than $45 million since November 2014, along with easier integration of renewable resources, the grid operator wrote.

Total benefits from the EIM in Q4 2015 were $12.29 million, according to the report, and RTO Insider notes that the transfer capability between NV Energy and CAISO increased from about 200 MW before the utility joined the EIM to 571 MW today.

Read full article at Utility Dive