MISO considers tariff changes to incorporate energy storage RSS Feed

MISO considers tariff changes to incorporate energy storage

MISO officials say they are seeing increased interest in energy storage projects within the 15-state system, but so far have no place for them in the grid operator’s tariff.

“We’ve had kind of fits and starts with this issue,” MISO External Affairs Policy Advisor Jennifer Richardson said. “But as far as having a clear policy, well, that’s never happened.”

According to a report from RTO Insider, the agency has been approached by several companies looking to develop energy storage projects, but right now the tariff contemplates only short-term resources providing energy for less than an hour, and longer-term pumped projects. The middle ground now being contemplated would require changes to the tariff, including decisions on which side of the meter the resources will operate.

“Medium-term storage is gaining a lot of interest,” MISO Principal Advisor of Market Development and Analysis Yonghong Chen told RTO Insider. “Storage is a broad range of emerging technology … it can be complicated.”

Read full article at Utility Dive