Alabama Power proposes up to 500 megawatts in renewable energy projects, including solar
Alabama Power petitioned the Alabama Public Service Commission last month for permission to install up to 500 megawatts of renewable energy projects, including solar power, company spokesman Michael Sznajderman confirmed Tuesday.
Sznajderman said the company is seeking a way to provide renewable energy for corporate customers who desire it in their energy portfolio or have renewable energy mandates to meet. The proposal must still be approved by the PSC.
“This allows us to negotiate with these companies so that we can find ways to provide them with renewable energy, either by building our own projects, or possibly purchasing renewable energy from other sources,” Sznajderman said.
Sznadjerman said that the renewable electricity would come at a premium cost, which would not be passed on to the broader customer base, and that the program was not designed for residential customers, at least at the start.